Basic Design

Our robot is based on a two wheel system, with each wheel controlled by a separate motor. We have two light sensors located at the front of robot that are able to detect where the edges of the squares are. Both of the motors and the light sensors as well as the IR receiver are connected to a handyboard which controls the “brain” of the robot. As we were testing the movement, we realized that both motors had very different powers, thus we had to make sure that when we are coding the movement functions we account for this difference. We added a glider on the back to prevent wheelie action when the robots starts and/or stops. Finally, we added two small wheels to the front to decrease friction where the light sensors are in contact with the ground. To complete our robot, we added six “legs” complete our crab design.

To see how Crabbot thinks, click here. If you want to see more pictures, click here.