
Course: Linear Algebra (線性代數)

Credit: 3

Class: 資工系大二必修

Hours: 星期三 15: 20-17:10 & 星期四 13:20-14:10

Instructor: 邱志義 (e-mail:

Office: 蘭潭校區理工大樓A16-606

Teaching Assistant: 邱日聖 (e-mail:

Course Description

  1. Teach students the major concepts of linear algebra.

  2. Teach students to use Python in solving linear algebra problems.


  1. (Textbook) Ron Larson, Elememtary Linear Algebra, 7/e. Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, 2013. (高立圖書代理)

  2. 麻省理工公開课:線性代數 MIT Open Course: Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang)

  3. 國立清華大學開放式課程:線性代數(趙啟超)

  4. Python Software Foundation (official site)

  5. Python Basics (my YouTube online course)

  6. Python Basics (UC Berkeley CS188 Intro to AI -- Course Material)

  7. Anaconda (an easy way to install Python in your computer) (Please install 3.x version)

  8. Numerical Python (a electronic resource in NCYU library)


  1. Homework (30%): Several problem sets including programming. Delay will halve your score! Plagiarism will get zero!

  2. Mid-term (30%): Open book exam

  3. Final-term (40%): Open book exam