Council Activities

Council Golf Tournament

St. Charles Council hosts and annual golf tournament for St. Charles Parish to help raise funds for needy causes.

Beer Booth

Each year, St. Charles Council operates a beer booth at Commonwealth Stadium for various events including Edmonton Eskimos football, soccer games and concerts. Family and friends work at the beer booth.

KC State Hockey

St. Charles Council participates each year in the annual KC State Hockey Tournament. St. Charles Council has hosted the event several times over the past twenty years.

KC State Curling

St. Charles Council participates each year in the annual KC State Curling Bonspiel.

Charities Appeal

St. Charles Council supports the Knights of Columbus State Council Charities Appeal program by selling raffle tickets after Masses at St. Charles. Proceeds are used to support various charities in Alberta.

Christmas Party

St. Charles Council celebrates Christmas with a council party for Knights and their spouses each Christmas after the December General Meeting. All Brother Knights, spouses and friends are invited to spend an evening of fraternity and Christmas spirit before Christmas day.

Yearend Party

St. Charles Council celebrates the end of each Columbian Year with the installation of officers and a council party for Knights and their spouses after the June General Meeting.

Grey Cup Pool

St. Charles Council conducts an annual Grey Cup Pool. Brother Knights participate by buying and selling Grey Cup pool tickets. The raised funds are used each year for a special charitable cause.