
"What we are is consciousness and what we do is manifest the means to express ourselves with forms by our Will. We use sound and light and our minds are cohesive catalysts, like a magnet that can change polarity and the intensity at will. In many the Will has been tampered by belief manipulation. We have a full multidimensional spectrum of colored lights and sounds to decide whatever we want to express with. But to reach that maturity state we need to master ourselves. We need to know to the microcosmic of us who we really are. And that mastery is only obtained by the means of allowing the pure expression of Love to course through you.

 The reason our little world is so tainted at this age is because many decided not to dive within themselves and become one flow with true Love and used the means of artificially getting control of this layer of reality with it's parallel counterparts. This shows that they are in a state of illusion and will only create their own fall. The reason they are artificially creating their own fall and striving to get more technology to avoid that is because whenever we divert from the natural universal current we are immediately confronted with the means to return. 

The universal structures in a way slap us in the face (or faces) and make us ricochet back to position. The greedy, selfish and immature children took from their Mother to manipulate instead of attaining this mastery to become a true Divine Creator themselves. And that's their downfall, by their own means, by trying to manipulate reality with artificial ways while stealing from the Source of Power. Power is Love and Love has dibs in everything. Love is counting the cycles and it's just about to ricochet. Eternity is patient that's why sleeping is not a big deal. The tainted children will learn by their own choice, consciously or not." ~Radharani