
Traditional Buddhist Prayer

May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness;

May all be free from sorrow and the causes of sorrow;

May all never be separated from the sacred happiness which is sorrowless;

And may all live in equanimity, without too much attachment and too much aversion,

And live believing in the equality of all that lives.


May you be filled with loving kindness.

May you be well.

May you be peaceful and at ease.

May you be happy.

~ Ancient - Tibetan Buddhist

Care for the Dying

Through your blessing, grace, and guidance,

through the power of the light that streams from you:

May all my negative karma, destructive emotions,

obscurations and blockages be purified and removed,

May I know myself forgiven

for all the harm I may have thought and done,

May I accomplish this profound practice of phowa,

and die a good and peaceful death,

And through the triumph of my death,

may I be able to benefit all other beings, living or dead.

~ Tibetan Buddhist Phowa Practice