Lab Space

Ample modern lab space is available in the Research and Innovation Centre (RIC) Building at the University of Regina. We are on located on the third floor in a secure part of the building and just down the hallway from the liquid NMR and student offices.

Below are some highly artistic photographs I took using my cell phone. They are intended to give you an idea of the working space that you would have. In our lab space, we have four fume hoods (grad students will get their own fumehood!), an oven, various chemical and glassware storage cabinets and places where you can plug in electrical devices. Various safety items, including eyewash and fire extinguisher, are near the lab entrance.

Walking In...

View from the door shows an area where you could work while waiting on, or preparing for, experiments. Although this photo is a bit dark, there is a significant amount of natural light coming in (from large windows).

Down the Hall...

View from said large windows, towards the exit, shows the large oven and additional space.

In the MIDDLe...

Moving along the large window, this is a view of the 'middle' of the lab space. Far away, you can see the storage cabinet for glassware. Up close could be an area where simple procedures could be carried out that do not require a fume hood.

Fume hoods?

Moving the view further, we see two very clean fume hoods. This is likely to be where you would carry out most of your procedures.


A view of all four fume hoods and a nice whiteboard at the end of the hallway.

Let there be light...

Turning around from the picture immediately to the left, you can see two giant windows that span pretty much the entire one side of the lab space. Saskatchewan gets plenty of sunshine, so during the day, the lab gets lots of natural light.