NMR LAB @ The University of REGina

Latest NEWS

May 2024: Welcome to our new undergraduate students: Ms. Shuchi Bhatt and Ms. Nghi Nguyen! Shuchi is a visiting MITACS summer student and Nghi is the holder of a prestigious NSERC USRA scholarship.

September 2023: Welcome to Ms. Sayna Jodatvand, who is beginning her graduate student in our group!

August 14th, 2023: Congratulations to Ms. Navjot Kaur, who today successfully defended her MSc thesis! Navjot is the first student to graduate from our group.

May 2023: A warm Regina welcome to our new students: Mr. Sadam Adebayo, Ms. Lakshmi Balaji, and Ms. Vanshita Rawat! Sadam is beginning his PhD program, while Lakshmi and Vanshita are visiting undergraduate MITACS researchers.

April 28th, 2023: We have officially ordered our brand new 400 MHz NMR magnet + Bruker NEO console + probes! This will complement the existing (and also very new) solution NMR system here at the University of Regina.

March 2nd, 2023: The Province of Saskatchewan via Innovation Saskatchewan has informed us of their full support in matching the CFI funds for our purchase of a new 400 MHz NMR system, which will be the first dedicated solid-state NMR system in Saskatchewan! This represents an investment by the Province of approximately $420,000!

Introductory Information

I am an assistant professor of chemistry (tenure-track) in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Regina.

Our group performs physical chemistry research in the field of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.

More specific areas include the structural characterization of small molecular organics, with potential application areas in the pharmaceutical industry.

If you are here by accident, feel free to look around, although unless you are interested in solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (i.e., SSNMR), you might be disappointed...then again, you might like what you find!

If you are here and want to know a bit more about my current research, as well as some of my past publications, you may browse the links and select those that are of relevance.

Eventually, I hope this page will serve as more than just self-promotion (potential topics include: explanation of introductory NMR concepts, NMR history, links, topical discussions, instructional videos, etc.), but apparently things like that take FOREVER for me to develop.

Last Updated by: CMW - May 31st 2024 - Regina, Canada

Brand new Bruker Ascend(TM) 400 Magnet (with auto-sampler) at the University of Regina. Along with the likewise brand new Bruker Neo console, it is used to perform NMR experiments on various liquid phase samples.

Above is a cocaine molecule, whose structure was determined by NMR when I was a research associate in Prof. Lyndon Emsley's lab.