Letter 1994a (Volume 3)

Letter 1994a (Volume 3)

Faraday to Jane Marcet[1]

7 June 1847

From the original in the possession of Tom Pasteur


R Institution | 7 June 1847

Dear Mistress

         These come with my duty from your devoted & affectionate pupil.

         M. Faraday

1. Jane Marcet, née Haldimand (1769-1858, ODNB). Popular scientific writer. Recipient identified on the basis of provenance and that this letter is tipped in John Tyndall, Faraday as a Discoverer, London, 1868, p.7 where he quoted an extract from Faraday to De La Rive, 2 October 1858, letter 3519, volume 5, in which he recollected the impact of her writings on his thought during the 1810s.