Past news

25/05/2022 The Danish radio station DR P2 invited me for a short interview on the Color matching project and included it in their special "Hej P2" program on colors ("Farver").   

16/05/2022 Final meeting of the ERC Synergy grant "Constructing social minds: Coordination, communication, and cultural transmission" (SOMICS) in Budapest. Lovely to see "old" colleagues again and hear where the project has headed since I left it in 2017.  

13/05/2022 Interesting visit at the Cognitive Science program at Lund University, Sweden. 

27/04/2022 Writing retreat with the EER project in beautiful Brandbjerg Højskole.

22/03/2022 Visit by Naomi Nota from the MPI in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.  

01/02/2022 First time teaching Social Minds students at Aarhus University: "Cognition in Social Interaction" promises to be an interesting adventure of interdisciplinarity, group creativity and Cognitive Science. We co-developed the program in collaboration with Philosophy, Linguistics and the Study of Religion.

15/02/2022 The new Miqus M3 optical motion capture system from Qualisys has been installed, making the IMC Motion lab now usable for research and teaching!  

31/01/2021 An exciting - in person! - semester teaching "Perception and Action" to Cognitive Science students has ended with lots of beautiful student projects. 

26/11/2021 New paper with collaborators Tiffany Morisseau, Günther Knoblich and Dan Sperber: "When is ostensive communication used for joint action?" published in Cognitive Semiotics. 

17/11/2021 Workshop on EEG hyperscanning in Joint Action organized together with Anna Zamm at the Interacting Minds Center. 

15/11/2021 One-week research visit by Janeen Loehr, Cognitive Neuroscientist from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. 

28/10/2021 Workshop presentation and demo of a new Color Matching version: As part of EER and in collaboration with Studio Olafur Eliasson, we developed a virtual reality version with multiple matching experiments.   

30/08/2021 Three-day project workshop by EER (Experimenting, Experiencing, Reflecting) in Copenhagen, Denmark.  

09/08/2021 Funding from itVest acquired for a new motion lab. The lab will be located at the Interacting Minds Center at Aarhus University and have a dedicated educational purpose (particularly Cognitive Science) in addition to research.  

01/06/2021 Book chapter on interpersonal coordination in a sports context (in German language, original title "Interpersonale Koordination") ready for publication. 

27/04/2021 Presenting work from EER during an Interacting Minds Center (IMC) talk at Aarhus University: "Sunlight graffiti for two: Exploring movement co-creation between art and science"

03/04/2021 Conference proceedings article by PhD student Martin Dockendorff accepted at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society! "Understanding distal goals from proximal communicative actions". Join him for his presentation (remote). 

08/12/2020 New publication by Laura Schmitz, Günther Knoblich, Ophelia Deroy, and myself: "Crossmodal correspondences as common ground for joint action" Our empirical data were collected during Tate Exchange in London. 

28/10/2020 Two new publications within a couple of days! First, Simily Sabu, Arianna Curioni, myself, Natalie Sebanz, and Günther Knoblich ask "How does a partner’s motor variability affect joint action?" Second, Helena Miton, Thomas Wolf, myself, Günther Knoblich, and Dan Sperber examine how "Motor constraints influence cultural evolution of rhythm" 

21/10/2020 "Our World in Colors", designed together with Cognitive Science students and colleagues from EER, is running at Dokk 1 in Aarhus now. We are looking into the individual and social nature of colors in a novel art-science-installation. More info to come on the EER website

03/09/2020 After working for 1.5 years with colleagues from Philosophy, Linguistics, Religion, and Cognitive Science on its organization, the new bachelor supplementary program in Social Minds kicked off at Aarhus University this week!  

01/07/2020 has a new mode: aesthetically pleasing and based on topic modeling using Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools. Try it by clicking on the 'Drift' button in the upper corner!  

12/05/2020 New work with Studio Olafur Eliasson and Interacting Minds Centre: Go there, read it, and share with us and everyone what has changed for you since the beginning of COVID-19! 

26/05/2020 New publication together with Vassilis Sevdalis from Sport Science at Aarhus University: "Informing, Coordinating, and Performing: A Perspective on Functions of Sensorimotor Communication". We review literature on communication using movement and suggest to distinguish three different functions.   

01/04/2020 Continuing my work at Aarhus University as Associate Professor from now on. 

15/02/2020 Our website for Experimenting, Experiencing, Reflecting (EER), the collaborative project of Interacting Minds Centre and Studio Olafur Eliasson, is now really up and running. Check it out! 

05/12/2019 We run a 3-day art workshop of our joint Sunlight graffiti activity. Come visit us at Trapholt Museum in Kolding.  Come and join! 

10/11/2019 "Sharing Perspectives" event at Tate Modern with Andreas Roepstorff, Joe Dumit, Dorte Jensen, Studio Olafur Eliasson and others 

10/10/2019 We participate in the Fall Break events about "Nerds" at Steno Museet Aarhus. Check it out on their website 

04/10/2019 I present my work on sensorimotor communication at a wonderful workshop on "(Non-verbal) communicative strategies underlying coordination and cooperation", organized by Alicia Melis, Federico Rossano and Shona Duguid  

21/09/2019 Paper accepted: Rocca et al., "This is for you: Social modulations of proximal vs. distal space in collaborative interaction" at Scientific Reports

29/07/2019 Adrian Hermann from Bonn University and I organize another workshop at the ZiF in Bielefed: "Measuring Charismatic Authority" 

11/07/2019 Another amazing JAM! The 8th Joint Action Meeting in Genoa, Italy - 4 days of fantastic talks and lovely people. My presentation: "Crossmodal Correspondences as Common Ground in Joint Action"

01/05/2019 I join the new project on "Experimenting, Experiencing, Reflecting (EER)" by PIs Andreas Roepstorff and artist Olafur Eliasson

11/2018 - 09/2019 Sometimes there isn't any time to report news even though so much happens: new articles; many talks, e.g. at JAM; end of Young ZiF fellowship; launch of EER project; etc. 

06/11/2018 Thanks to all participants and contributors for a great 2-day workshop on Social Cognition 

06/11/2018 Talk at Robophilosophy, Aarhus University: "Kinematics in human joint action" 

24/10/2018 Call for the 8th Joint Action Meeting is out: JAM8 

01/09/2018 New research project started "Coordination Among Pool Swimmers" (CAPS), supported by an IMC Seed Fund. 

29/08/2018 Symposium talk at ECVP in Trieste: "The role of visual information during joint action"

25/07/2018 Roberta Rocca presents new work on demonstratives in social context at CogSci 2018: "This and that back in context: Grounding demonstrative reference in manual and social affordances" with Mikkel Wallentin and Kristian Tylén

08/09/2017 Paper "Modulating action duration to establish non-conventional communication" with Laura Schmitz and Guenther Knoblich accepted for publication in Journal of Experimental Psychology: General! 

01/08/2017 I'm Assistant Professor (adjunkt) in Cognitive Science and Cognitive Semiotics at Aarhus University, Denmark now. 

22/07/2017 So good to meet lots of long-known and new colleagues at the most important joint action event, the biannual Joint Action Meeting. JAM VII is in London this year! 

27/04/2017 Science meets art event at Tate Modern Gallery, London: Laura Schmitz and I engage museum visitors in a collaborative communication task during four days of Tate Exchange organized by colleagues from the Institute of Advanced Study at University of London!

17/01/2017 Proud  to be a co-author on Laura Schmitz' paper "Co-representation of others'  task constraints in joint action" which has just been accepted in JEP:HPP!

12/01/2017 New paper "How you move is what I see: Planning an action biases a partner's visual search" with Dominik Doetsch and Anna Schuboe!

27/12/2016 Can twelve people write a mini review together? Yes! See the evidence here: "Joint action: Mental representations, shared information and general mechanisms for coordinating with others".