Cordula Vesper

Associate Professor in Cognitive Science and Cognitive Semiotics

Department of Linguistics, Cognitive Science, and Semiotics, School of Communication and Culture

& Interacting Minds Centre, School of Culture and Society

Aarhus Universitet

Jens Chr. Skous Vej 2, Office 1485-638

8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

Email: cvesper AT

Twitter: @cordulavesper

University website:


The Center for Semiotics at the School of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University.

The Interacting Minds Center at Aarhus University.

The Young ZiF in Bielefeld, Germany, an interdisciplinary research initiative.

The Social Mind and Body (SOMBY) group, as part of the Social Mind Center at the Department of Cognitive Science at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.