Self-Merited PhD

12/5/12 0245

Self-Merited PhD Book Club

The book reading self-merited PhD program

Did you know that reading 50 books in a particular academic field is

equivalent to earning a PhD in that subject matter?

I got this idea from Brian Tracy's “University on Wheels” and the “Rip & Read method” concepts. He says that you should always be listening to an audiobook in your car every time you drive somewhere. To be the best you can, always be reading and learning something new.

To earn your own self-merited PhD all you have to do is actively read or listen to audiobooks in your chosen subject. You can independently earn yourself the knowledge of a doctor just by reading and listening to books. Understanding your subject matter is what is important. Learning and knowing the truth is what really matters anyways, not just some title or degree. Being a doctor or having a PhD after you name doesn't mean anything without having a true understanding of the knowledge.

This means that anyone with the ambition to learn can earn the self-merited title of PhD. In the Age of Information Generation, you do not always have to pay an university or graduate college $100k to earn the knowledge of a PhD. With just a computer and the internet, information is easier and more accessible to everyone. Anyone regardless of social or financial status can learn anything they desire. All you have to do is read.

The Self-merited PhD Book Club Program is just the beginning of this revolutionary idea. The Coon Book Club website is my place to organized and record all of the books that I have read and am reading. This website is my reference and record. This site holds my personal reading log, my book reviews and additional information about each book. This site serves as my resource to remember and process the knowledge from the books that I read.

I am creating a webpage for each book I read. By taking notes on what I learn, writing book reviews and recording my thoughts and ideas about each book, I am leaving a trail of everything I am reading and learning. I will reference back to this information as needed, and continue to add more as I go. These book web pages also serves as a conversation portal for other readers to learn from and comment about. With this blog/message board format I hope to start discussions with other reader who have read the same books.

Self-merited PhD Book Club Program draft rules + procedures

Start by reading 1 hour everyday. If you read one hour per day in your field, that will translate into about one book per week. One book per week translates into about 50 books per year. 50 books per year will translate into about 500 books over the next ten years.

Publicly tract all the books you read on a blog or website, write your own review for each book, add notes + supplementary material, and write a summary of what you learned. When you hit 50 books, you get awarded a honorary self-merited PhD!

This is obviously based on the honor system, because only you can know if you read and understood the meaning and concepts of the books you read. You don't have to completely understand everything in every book, just the general ideas and concepts. By simply reading and listening to 50 book in your subject, you get the same knowledge as someone with a PhD. The knowledge is what matters in the end, understanding the truth about reality is what is important. Knowledge and what you do with it is what makes a difference!

Reading 50 books in your subject matter will put you in the top 95% of people in the WORLD with knowledge of that subject! This is one of the most powerful, practical and important things anyone can do in life. So pick a subject that you are passionate about and start reading 50 books about it. Learn the knowledge, use the knowledge. and you will make a big impact in that field! To be competitive in any professional field, you have to stay on top of your subject matter by always learning about it. Be sure to seek out new sources and current news about your subject, because every field is always growing.

The average American only reads one book a year. Think about the advantages you will have by diligently reading 50 times what the average person reads! We do live in the age of information, take advantage of it! Living in the age of information, you can learn anything you want.

Join the Top 1% of Money Earners

If you read only one book per month, that will put you into the top 1% of income earners in our society. But if you read one book per week, 50 books per year, that will make you one of the best educated, smartest, most capable and highest paid people in your field. Regular reading will transform your life completely. So what are you waiting for? Join the club today!

Regular Reading Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into practice.

First, ask the successful people around you for their best book recommendations. Whatever advice they give you, immediately go to the public library or buy those books, take them home and begin reading for one hour every morning before you start work. Start reading more today. Even just diligently reading 1 or 2 chapters a day will get you off to a great start.

Second, when you read, underline, highlight and take notes when you find important ideas that you can use. Implement the best immediately. Start your blog post or draft review right away. Take action of some kind on good ideas. You will be amazed at how useful this will be.

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