Conversation: Pair

Jesus has said that He would be a Yoke-fellow. Under the wood constraint with the sibling of hope and faith. Pulling the load. He says that we should learn of Him. That He is meek and lowly, and that we would find rest for our souls. Imagine partnering under as a Pair and Team. Will the job not get done? (Matthew 11)

Systems of the World Busted.

If you ask me

Things are pretty shabby

Mostly my hasty choices in panic.

Remedies of men are much less

Than second best.

Friends point in that direction.

Not members of the Faith Family.

Not redeemed.

Not ransomed or paid for.

Governed by tradition and fables.

Dear Gramma's kitchen table talks.

Sigh, and sigh again.

Holy Spirit must get

Into the package.

Showing poverty of Flesh.

Of governance

Of apparent Movers and Shakers.

Not an ounce of

Legitimate solution there.

Power of Agreement, Anointing

Something happened on that floor.

Auditorium .

Beat and expectation.

Unavoidable smiles.

Yearning to sing.

Oh, but I’m not a Singer.

Yeah, so what, Girl?

Let it out.

In this place we get it.

Agree with it.

Give copious thanks.

The plan for release

Of discontent, guilt.

Replaced by gratitude.


Stomping feet and

Raised hands.

Let’s stop the chat now.

Just sing, OK.

Whatdya Mean Saying You Chose Him?

You walked down the aisle

After raising the hand

Did you understand



That's what it was you know.

Jesus did the searching

Holy Ghost did the urging.

And you just fell to Mercy's

Precious flow.


Burn the mortgage

Of your wrongs.

Learn some lyrics

In those wonderful Blood Songs.

And the thanks will

Just spring forth.

You're discovering True North.

And a certainty that

Now you do belong.

It's about time

you stopped and

looked at my Art

it's tantamount

to my Heart.

rolling hills where

grasses smell of spring

streams descend and

carry tads to legs

killdeer begs you

leave the young alone

seeming broke and prone.

all bespeak a ken

for lovely things.

Creator brings.

Whatsoever Things are Lovely (philippians 4)

Catbird's Ways

He sees me from a mid branch

His colouring keeps him safe

And I can hear his bright songs

All over the place.

His young have left their nesting.

I saw them in lower bush

And finally Mommy Dearest

Gave them a push.

So now the liberty singing

He cares not, predators come.

Branches will hide, swift to the skies.

They are Home.

Catbird mimics others.

A final joke you know.

But he will never see

His youngsters grown.

So I come to you with verses

gleaned from Book of books


and you think I do so smugly

with no straining slopes to climb.

but I'm a Beggar.

all of God must come that way.

there must be plentiful breaking

then I have some stuff to say

Doorway of Destitution

Called Him Son of Man (ezekiel)

I saw Him and

I didn't think Him special

A smile, a stance

A noble tale to tell.

The people came

Quite naturally to like Him

He took His time

He knew their plight so well.

The Word came out

His special link to Heaven

And Son of Man*

His working name of choice.

It seemed to fit so well

Without our even straining

The touch, the listening ear, the Voice.

Ezekiel used that term*

When God spoke to him

When images of judgment, adjustment

Or sheep's care came to mind.

And Jesus cared, quite tireless

In the tending.

Never wanting to

Leave lonely sheep behind.

It trumps us now

That Leaders seek some trouble

To minimize His

Impact on the lost.

But nothing stops His

Wanderings filled with wonder.

He knows His task

Fulfilled at any cost.

At some point in this, perhaps, you have shivered, or chest has tightened, or a pressure has urged from the diaphragm. Well, are you sleep deprived, dealing with a flu bug. or struggling in an awkward relationship ? Barring any of these, friend, you have encountered the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. He purposes to bring glory to the ascended Jesus. He never will "steal Centre Stage". He offers intimacy, prayer power, recollection of Gospel events, messages and warnings. He is publicist for the Trinity. Impacting to those hungry and searching worldwide. He is available to dwell within your innermost person. Wisdom. Healing. Peace. Miracles. Utterance and Prophecy. Gentleness and meekness. What a trade off for your ugly Old Self. Put on the New. OK? Holy Ghost effects change and support and comfort...Doug Blair and Hilary.