Finch's Cow CutThroat Journal, January 2023 (winner of the Rick Demarinis Prize for Fiction)
At the Place of the Rapids Contrary Magazine, July 2023
Life Begins The Saturday Evening Post Great Fiction Anthology, 2020
The Mess You Made In Us Smokelong Quarterly
How It's Silent When You're Gone CutThroat, journal of the arts
Reasons for Loving Moon City Review
Klein's Latrell Lamination Colony
Tape Hiss Storyglossia
Evening Collapsed Purple Storyglossia
a time to come to a place and introduce oneself Fortnightly Review
I Wish He Were You (early Cut Up material) Storyglossia
Late In November Charles River Journal
Mother Child. Fortnightly Review
As You Are (Wigleaf index)
Afternoon After Willows Wept Review
Pensee #8 Corduroy MTN\
Fortnightly Review:
First Prose (2022)
Master Singer (2024)