Breaking News (29.10.2023):Both championships ended... congrats and many thanks to all programmers!Why I realized both Leagues to be over for several reasons: 1st it's clear that New entries have no BIG chances to perform better than the opponents, whichAre already playing via pre-learned EXP...2nd. no much improvements, hereVery likely the learned EXP files played some role over NON-Learning enginesOn other hand, the engine 'Learning' is nothing bad at all.. .at least, in critical, Weak opening positions, the EXP files may play as important influences / role...Otherwise, I hardly doubt that about these beasts learning engines would gain Better points than the ones, which are not capable to learn in game play 5m+1s is too much for running under these takes too muchTime, 2m+1s seems to be better..especially if no Elo progress in latest months..Anyhow, this time BranLearn 26 is said the last word...2nd is Raid 2.73, where3rd rank belongs to the latest entries: Tactical and DarkSister..very good really..Ok.. that's all for now.. and I hope to see all of you plus new incıomers as well!Meanwhile, for my previous postings regarding the current competitions: News
The Champion: BrainLearn 26 -  Congrats to K. Kiniama, A. Manzo, SF team!
Rank Name                  Elo   +    -  games score oppo. draws    1 Brainlearn 26        3778    6    6   900   51%  3773   92%    2 Raid v2.73           3775    6    6   900   50%  3773   89%    3 Tactical 281023      3774    6    6   900   50%  3773   92%    4 DarkSisTer 8.50      3774    6    6   900   50%  3773   90%    5 Eman 9.51            3773    6    6   900   50%  3773   93%    6 Tactical 041023      3773    6    6   900   50%  3773   93%    7 Stockfish 220823 sl  3772    6    6   900   50%  3773   92%    8 Corchess 151023      3771    6    6   900   50%  3773   90%    9 AWOL Z10             3770    6    6   900   50%  3773   90%   10 Stockfish 231023     3770    6    6   900   50%  3773   89% 
       • Calculated by Bayeselo / Stockfish is fixed to 3770 Elo  / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details• For anyone missed, all current engines qualified from Second League• In Super League: any Leader (after 700 games) will be titled Champion• Almost all of NNUE engines are AVX2, tested via their default Evalfiles• All matches are played via private Unique opening suite (25.10.2023)  For more fair conditions: each of the opening line is repeated as twice• The current overall draw ratio (based on 4500 games) is normal: 91%•  All the played tour games are available (in PGN): 2nd+Super League