scct book cs 9 conditions

Registration Details

• ChessBase (ctg) and Polyglot (bin) opening book registrations are NOT acceptable

• The current competition is over but soon it's planning to be started a new book tour

• Opening book registrations were allowed once in a month (from same registered user)

• The maximum book size limit's registration was less than 300 MB (compressed size)

• The registered books are tested (min 200 games) mainly against the Top 10 players

• Recommended (for books) uploading sites: Mega / Mediafire / Sendspace / Zippyshare

• All book players are tested with book settings: Learning ON; Optimized 0/35

* Exception was for different book settings, in case of request by registered user

* But however, (for less draws) all books are played with settings up to 35 moves

* The used engines (for book players) were very close in Elo strength to each other: SCCTXn

* So I believe in that, the openings played a BIG role in the current exiting book competition

• All games (including SCCT Book CS VIII) are available for downloading at this 'link'

Participant Details

•SCCT VIII's books were newly installed (due to they played before and learned from this tour)

• For each book is installed separately folder of engine (each book used different engine.exe)

• I created several new books (up to 35 moves) to use the openings played by Top players, e.g:

- GMs T5/GMs T10/GMs T15 books are tuned to use the openings by GMs, played at here

* GMs T5 book played the openings by Kramnik, Polgar, Kasimdzhanov, Topalov, Euwe

* GMs T10 book played the openings by Keres, Grischuk, Spassky, Mamedyarov, Kamsky

* GMs T15 book played the openings by Radjabov, Vachier, HaoWang, Nakamura, Aronian

- HybridX6/HybridX7 books played the openings by various Playchess/Infinity 2016 Top players

- Also Adequate/Dikuk/Donmez/Kingscrusher/Notyet/Pacificrabbit belong to Top users openings

• Some free books are tested too,e.g: Classic1/Dartvader/Doom D3/Perfect13/SteamEngine...

• More info about some of the registered books can be found at SCCT Participant List

Statistic Details

• So far (25.03 - 01.05.2016) there are 17 games lost on time, based on 14631 games

* Mostly of those lost games on time belongs to Equinox 3.20 x64 and Mars 1.5 x64

• For more accurate standings: the double games are removed from current ranking list

* The double games appear due to some books use to play strictly same opening lines

• SCCT CS IX's Draw percentage: 61.4 %, Download: SCCT Book CS IX Statistics

* Playchess/Infinity's Draw percentage (2600 Elo + January 2016) is approx. 85%

* SCCT's Draw percentage is lower, probably due to different tournament conditions

• D43: Semi-Slav opening's percentage is 29.5% (the most played opening in this tour)

* D43: Semi-Slav percentage on Playchess/Infinity (2600 Elo+ Jan-Nov 2015) is 42%

• The time control is changed to 3 Minutes (from 5 Min) due to produce more games

• SCCT's Average Move Length (per game): 71 Moves / Average Game Length: 5 Min

Kind Regards,

Sedat Canbaz

Standings / More Details