scct book cs 50 details

• CCC = Based on decent high-rated engine games (played in

• Cerebellum 3M Dual = Playing with extra CTG book format, but all

Opening lines are tuned to prefer Cerebellum 3 Merge bin's openings

• DualBrain AZ = CTG format (e.g tuned to prefer A28 bin + Zeus.bin)

• FICS = Based on decent high-rated engine games (played in FICS sever)

• GMsTop = Based on several GMs players games (Giri, WesleySo etc.)

• ICCF = Based on decent high-rated engine games (played in ICCFsever)

• NNUE = It's tuned to prefer several EvalFiles's played openings: 1 / 2 / 3

Sure those NN files, which are played without using any opening book

• SSDF = Based on decent high-rated engine games (played in SSDF)

• TCEC = Based on decent high-rated engine games (played in TCEC)

• Top 2006-2009 = Tuned to prefer Perfect, Takker Zunkor, Xmas books

• Top 2010-2013 = The openings by Boom, Hammer, Sniper, Kolaveri...

Note: During my creations: I've spent minus plus 5 min (per player)

All of them are quite small in size, e.g Top 2006-2009 is just 2 MB

The main target about why I created all these books is simply that,

My goal is to check the decent trend books vs various/old openings...

Regarding Cerebellum.ctg is to see the influence of book learning..

E.g Cerebellum3 Merge.bin suffered (in many games) vs CTG XLIX

More players details, created by other book makers:

• 2600-Plus-Club.ctg is free and created by Ian Hurnavich

• Alchemist 110121.ctg is a private, created by Angel Morano

• Appolo.ctg is free book and created by Ian Hurnavich too

• Cevdet opening book series are free, created by Cevdet Sarı

• DON Lite 3.ctg a private book, created by Vasid Chouhan

• FatFritz.bin book is released by ALEXEEV19894: Chess2u

• Katzenmaier1701.ctg is a private, created by Stefan Kleinert

• M10...series are ctg and free, created by Mustafa Canseven

• No Book = CF EXT engine is played without any opening book

• RadaR book series are ctg and free, created by Rafael Paulo

• Rufus 2020.bin is a free opening book, created by Angel Morano

• Shield 180118.bin = Shield engine' own book, belongs to 2018

• TR Power + GX Power are private, created by Göktürk Göker

• TrendMoves 2020+.ctg is a free book, created by Hasan Satrani

Sorry that I can't publish all books free time for all...

And I hope the current book competition is going to be

A good indicator of strongest/powerful opening books!

Best Regards

Sedat Canbaz

Standings / More Details

Book Registrations are not allowed, the rules were in active tour:

• Anyone who interested can submit a book (once per month): Contact

• Please Read Carefully, there are new rules for the current tourney:

1. As participants are preferred to play mainly by known book authors

2. By unknown is required min 100 games (played on Playchess etc)

This rule can be called VISA, it's against cheating, more Details

3. In this tournament: all opening books allowed (Private+Available)

4. Max.compressed size limit (up to) CTG: 300 MB / BIN: 150 MB

Exc. a few MB extra can be acceptable..for frequent book players...

5. New book entries will be tested once in 30 days (once per month)

Exc., Top 5 book players have choice to update once in 30 days

In this case, the updated Top 5 books will be just resumed to play

6. As registered players: only one book is allowed (from same author)

Exc. I can accept testing 2 books or more from same author: Details

7. All games will be available after the end of book tour, exception:

Authors can get their games (in case of request in every 2 weeks)

Tournament Details:

• All opening books are playing by same engine: CF EXT 291120 C40

• For each book participant is installed a separate copy of chess engine

• On 2x E5-2686 machine are installed and used only chess programs

Plus no internet connection (to prevent against any kind of threats)

Tournament PC is daily restarted, speed benchmark in every 2-3 days

And it seems, all is quite stable, as we see.. no any time forfeits etc.

• The ongoing competition is planning to be active for several months

• I plan to test a lot of opening books, from the past to the present!

Sure, the main target is that, to be played the decent opening books

• Rather than tour, it will be a rating (with min 300 games per player)

Actually, many players are expecting to consist over than 500 games

• Any Leader (after 500 games per player) will be titled as Champion

• Chessbase (ctg) main book settings: Learning ON, Optimized, 0/100

Exception, other settings can be used by Author's recommendations

Btw, please take a screenshot (in case of request other than 0/100)

• Polyglot (bin) books will be tested by Authors suggested settings too

• As graphical chess interfaces used: Fritz 12, Fritz 13, Fritz 14 GUIs

That means parallel matches (a few separate Fritz GUIs are played)

I don't prefer newer ChessBase ones such as Fritz 15, Fritz 16 GUIs,

Due to 'Book Learning' does not work in Gauntlet, Round-robin mode

• Why I preferred as NON-NNUE, TC 3 Min and 4 Core/Game is that,

- The main reason is simply to reduce the overall draw percentage..

Otherwise it is expecting the draw percentage to be close 97-98%

Some details about my created opening books (all in CTG format):