Hello Chess Friends,

     On this news page,     You can read my postings for B/N CS XXIII 

18.12.2023:Grendel, Grendel, Grendel managed to be as first Public Champ..nice!Where Lion book (even not so new..) managed to be Private Champion!And as you may see too, via this HUGE update...too many book entries!Actually a lot of words to say, but no free time for all exc Grendel's authorMr. Goi is requested his latest book to be participant (for previous tours)But unfortunately I could not... as reason I use CuteChess GUI...but via SF-SCCT engine, now his wish is done, plus as other CTG book entries:Exc. Perfect, DON Free 2023, 1337chess 070422 are participated so farBtw, just out of curiosity, many former Champion books entered too e.gSome of oldies are DON light2+Champ, they were Winners many times!But they are old-dated e.g, Champ is based on 2018, DON Light on 2020Be aware of that too, so far all CTG books are played with option Width 2    In same that means, not all of the main green colored moves are played!    For examples, Perfect CTG's main moves (as green) are d4, e4, c4, Nf3But played only d4 and e4, sure with Width 4 prefers all the 4 main moves,But just in case with Width 4, sometimes the disabled lines are preferring..Sure  I refer for some deeper positions..for this reason...Width 2 is safer..Sure I' am meaning up to 10 moves, but what about in deeper openings?Frankly, then situation is critical..as I mentioned before, even with Width 1Frequently even the disabled lines are used to play..for this reason, I hopeAll the next engine releases (with CTG book future) to be fixed....thanks...Ok..the current tour is still active..e.g 25 other opening books are coming!Let's see... both Champs (Grendel and Lion) will hold the tittles or not ?!)
17.12.2023:Well, the round - robin tour (which prefer various openings) is completed..Perfect, CEDR, Balsa, Unique, SCCT, CCC. are performed really good !A few words about Unique book: not bad, in case of strength + low draws Perc. values...what we can need more?) 25+ years experience helps.. !)On other hand, CEDR plus CCC proved  their strength in older tours too!Btw, CCC is based on games between 2018-2020 (latest I couldn't find..)Where unfortunately and usually SPCC's openings suffers a lot that's whyInstead of SPCC, as next constant one will be entered the same Neptune, Which is tuned to prefer many GMs openings (e.g participated in BN XXII)Note that I already started testing many of the Tend opening books as wellAnd as 1st start, as far as possible, I will pick qualified players of BN XXIISure, as alternative other CTG books will be entered: DON Free, GrendelOk.that's all for now, new updates are coming soon and good luck to all! )
Current Book Leader Perfect- as usual, one of best in case of short lines!And I hope to see other Number One, because once is enough as ChampNote also that since 2007: my target / rule is not to be Winner of my tours..
Rank Name               Elo     +/-   Games   Score    Draw    1 Perfect BIN         23       8     850   53.2%   86.7%    2 CEDR                16       9     850   52.4%   85.9%    3 Perfect CTG         16       7     850   52.3%   90.5%    4 Balsa 2022          13       9     850   51.9%   86.2%    5 Unique              12      10     850   51.8%   82.4%    6 Balsa 2023          12       9     850   51.7%   85.1%    7 SCCT                11       8     850   51.5%   86.8%    8 CCC                  9       9     850   51.2%   84.1%    9 Balsa 2021           2       9     850   50.4%   86.6%   10 CCRL                 0       8     850   50.1%   86.9%   11 SSDF                 0       9     850   50.0%   84.2%   12 TWIC                -2       8     850   49.7%   86.9%   13 Oliprog E           -4       8     850   49.5%   87.2%   14 CEGT               -16      10     850   47.8%   83.1%   15 TCEC               -16      10     850   47.6%   82.1%   16 FGRL               -17       9     850   47.5%   83.8%   17 FCP                -20      10     850   47.1%   82.2%   18 SPCC               -40      12     850   44.3%   74.7% 
  7650 of 7650 games finished.
   • LIVE Ranking / Calculated by CuteChess 1.3.1 / / Blue Name = Last Update

    16.12.2023:A new tour, but this time all participants with book settings up to 10 moves!What's new: for 1st time CTG book format is playing under CutechessGUITo be more clear, I am referring about Perfect CTG book, which is playingBy new SF-SCCT NN engine, which is compatible to use CTG book formatWhat I can say more, all of current books are created by Me...but they areBased on high-rated engine games a few examples: Oliprog E is tuned toPrefer openings played by Oliprog, but on Eng testings, not on Book test...As other example, CEDR is tuned to prefer the openings in CEDR tours...Balsa, Perfect, SCCT, Unique are my work, belongs to my Eng testings...Btw, both Perfect books (CTG+BIN) are based on almost same openings..Or CCRL, CEGT, SPCC, SSDF etc. are based on theirs recent games...In other words, via this tour...we will have again a possibility to see whichRatings, testings etc. are producing better, stronger opening lines, right ?!In same time, we'll have chance to check which are strongest trend booksSure under these cond..if nothing else, let's see what will be the influence...For anyone missed, previous tour (up to 8 moves) can be viewed: ResultsAnd please stay tuned... very soon more updates and details are coming!