Hello Chess Friends,

     On this news page,     You can read my all postings regarding for: B/N CS XIII

    28.04.2023:Another update, where this time only Chucaro 4 Upd book is participatedNote: current Chucaro is same vers. which managed to be Champ: BN XIn other words, I was wondering what will be its performance and not bad!Btw, a few notes regarding the rule 3 books (per month) by same author:As bonus: only frequent authors can submit up to 3 new opening books!To be more clear, the 1st tested BNX's opening books are not counting..E.g Mr. Ian Hurnavich has right/choice to submit two more new books...Or as other example, Mr Alex (Skynet) can submit one more new book..Also Mr Angel Morano has right to submit one more new opening bookThat's all for now...for more detailed info, please feel free to contact me
    25.04.2023:Via current update plus playing more games, Top standings are changed!In short, exc. both new entries (SkynetSCCT and OlisFish), I realized thatCachoSCCT and Hamish 4.1 to be played vs more book players and afterNew calculations: Mr. Angel's book managed to take the lead..impressive!Same words are going for many other books as well, what I can say more,Mr. Alex's both books are as current 1st Public Champions...unbelievable!Really I can't remember two Public ones (by same author) to be Champs!Meanwhile, actually the released name of SkynetSCCT 10.1= SCCT 10.1But renamed..the reason: SCCT books are based on Balsa, Perfect seriesNote also (according to Skynet / Alex) his SCCT 10.1 book include gamesPayed in SCCT tournaments, where OlisFish book based on Oliprog tours!And for anyone interested: Skynet's books are available at Outskirts forum
    20.04.2023:Via latest update, the standings are almost same as before, exceptionFor right now Hamish 4.1 managed to be as one of the Number Ones!Yes...Mr. Ian's book is with remarkable performance so far...actually no BIG surprise, because he proved to be one of best in our book making!What I can say more, the tourney has currently as two Leading players!Note also that (for determining...), I ran extra tie-break match betweenCachoSCCT vs Hamish 4.1, and after 150 games, the score ended inFavor for Hamish (+1 point better) but via Bayeselo, theirs points same..In other words, for now both Top players will remain as two Champions!
    19.04.2023:Welcome everyone and we have a new Champion: CachoSCCT book!And as I stated before (in almost every competition), Mr Angel's seriesAre managing to be Number One, yes... one of greatest book masters!A few quick notes more, according to A. Morano (Biyuya), CachoSCCT Based on SCCT tournaments, developed with Raubfish X48c3 engineNote also that the other new opening book entry (Anti-Top) is my work And it's based on only BN X games, but on the high-rated Players lost Games and to be more clear on only wins, but played mainly by many Various lower rated books..anyhow, just for fun..no more no less ) andI think that its Performance+DrawRatio is not bad, because Anti-Top isSmallest one in size just 147 KB and I created it in less than 10 minutesPlus Anti-Top played by a weaker engine (Blue Marlin)..reality is reality..Ok... Dear Chess Friends, I hope to see new books in the next days )
    18.04.2023:Via latest update: 3 books are entered and both of them are created by me,For example, simply I am meaning about both 3753-55 and XI 3740+ bookTo be more clear, 3753-55 played by Raubfish X48c3 SC, where XI 3744+Played by Blue Marlin 14.4 and what I can say more, as expected 3753-55Managed to be performed as one of highest ranks...I mean no BIG surpriseWhy I say like this? if not clear: this book is based on very strong Top books,Proved in BN X (I mean for CachoUPD2, Dottie-Maloti, OlisFish, SF-SE, Zaytsev)But on other hand, actually the shocking news, surprise comes by XI 3744+And once more, XI 3744+ is tuned to prefer Top 4 books openings of BN XIYes..for Human based openings plus weaker engine this is too much really...For more details about my created based books you can read at: OutskirtsAnd M13.7 book played via Raubfish X48c3 SC (like mostly other entries...)Note that M13.7 released by Mr. Cevdet so named as it is. anyhow, franklyI expected better points...however just a fun tournament and it's all right !)Ok...that's all for now and I wish to say many thanks for your interest...
    17.04.2023:Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time to pronounce tour's 1st Champion:Bloom Bloom Bloom, really amazing.. with best performance so far!Pimienta is just 1 point behind..one of serious Champ's candidates!Sure Barnabas, HCan..are another candidate, no any idea what will Be next ranks...but no doubt that all of them are very DANGEROUS!Btw, via latest update, two strong books are entered: Goi, MANTIS!Plus the same words are going for many other strong entries as wellNote: Blue Marlin, Crystal, Stockfish, Swordfish played via Polyglot Adapter, you may know, otherwise they are not capable to use BIN...And wishing you all the best of luck )
    16.04.2023:     And finely, I've managed to publish the latest played tournament results     A surprise, HCan Upd is not as a Leading book, actually it's quite normal..     No one can stay on Top forever! and yes...Bloom 0.4 is with outstanding      Performance so far! and Skynet's book produced 90% draws. just great!      Sure in the next rounds, everything can happen e.g Barnabas, Pimienta,      HCan, Lion...can be as Champs too it all depends on the next opponents...
    16.04.2023:Well, here are my latest created 10 opening books,Which will be played by different 3700+ NN engines!
To be more clear (about my created books), they areTuned to prefer many strong players openings of BN XAnd I gave them short names: theirs gained Elo points 
And from any book name is perfectly clear, right ?  e.g3752 book is based on players, which ranked 3752 Elo Sure I am referring about the played openings in BN X
During my book creations,I picked theirs wins plus the draws as well, exception3741-44 opening book, which is based on only wins...
Note also that,I did not touch the ones, which performed with better points,As one of reasons, my target is not to be Champ anymore !)
On other hand, actually my current goal is simply that,Via book creations: to stress the latest new entry books!Plus as opponents as you see, many great books in one )Plus in this way, we can see more various openings...And I hope you like my new idea ?)
Btw, If still not so clear / for anyone missed,The below books are tuned to prefer various players openings of BN XE.g 3752 book is based on 4 Players, which ranked at 3752 Elo points     As another, but last example, 3751 book is based on 3751 Elo Players... 
3752 book will be played by Raubfisch X48c3 SC
Rank Name            Elo   +   - games score oppo. draws   14 Hamish            3752    5    5  1160   52%  3740   91%   15 C.B.Conqueror     3752    3    3  2310   53%  3735   92%   16 Chucaro 4 upd     3752    3    3  2470   53%  3737   90%   17 xXx 230722        3752    4    4  2320   52%  3740   91% --------------------------------------------------------------3751 book will be played by Swordfish 14.4
  18 Legends           3751    4    4  1450   53%  3735   90%   19 OlisFish 0.1.0    3751    5    5  1040   52%  3740   92%   20 Barnabas          3751    4    4  1880   52%  3737   90%   21 DarkGalactus      3751    4    4  2020   52%  3740   90% --------------------------------------------------------------3750 book will be played by Stockfish 120921
  22 Predator 2.3      3750    3    3  2470   52%  3739   92%   23 Guzelkiz 220522   3750    4    4  1940   51%  3742   92%   24 SF-SE_a           3750    4    4  1860   53%  3735   91%   25 HCan              3750    5    5  1260   51%  3745   95% --------------------------------------------------------------3749 book will be played by SF-MZ 051222
  26 DON-B             3749    3    3  2430   52%  3739   91%   27 Goi 210323        3749    5    5  1020   51%  3742   95%   28 GutLess_Git       3749    5    5  1310   51%  3740   86%   29 Chucaro 4         3749    5    6  1020   51%  3743   93% --------------------------------------------------------------3748 book will be played by Komodo Dragon 3.2
  30 1337chess         3748    4    5  1510   51%  3742   94%   31 Phoenix           3748    4    4  1780   51%  3744   95%   32 DarkGalactus Upd  3748    5    5  1020   51%  3742   92%   33 Varied 110122     3748    4    4  1680   51%  3742   95%   34 JellyFish_f       3748    5    5  1000   51%  3741   93%   35 SF15f             3748    5    5  1270   51%  3743   94% --------------------------------------------------------------3747 book will be played by BrainLearn 15
  36 Eman 240722       3747    5    5  1250   51%  3744   94%   37 Donmez            3747    5    5  1410   51%  3744   93%   38 Ukraine 53 Light  3747    5    5  1220   51%  3740   91%   39 Adrenaline        3747    4    4  1640   51%  3743   91%   40 Bloom 0.1         3747    5    5  1150   51%  3741   92%   41 Lion 8 BM ON      3747    4    4  1530   52%  3735   90% --------------------------------------------------------------3746 book will be played by CFishNN 240223
  42 DeadPool 3        3746    5    5  1210   50%  3744   94%   43 Echidna           3746    5    5  1170   51%  3737   93%   44 Zeus              3746    5    6  1000   52%  3736   90%   45 OPTIMUS 2         3746    5    5  1140   51%  3743   95%   46 Hamdullah         3746    5    5  1100   51%  3743   93%   47 LesChats 040323   3746    5    5  1200   50%  3744   94%   48 MANTIS Upd        3746    5    5  1000   51%  3739   90%   49 Solista 081022    3746    5    5  1120   50%  3743   93% --------------------------------------------------------------3745-A book will be played by Crystal 4.1
  50 ChazChess         3745    5    5  1070   52%  3735   92%   51 GalactusTurboSE   3745    5    5  1030   51%  3742   96%   52 MANTIS-DH2        3745    5    5  1140   50%  3743   93%   53 Goi_Light         3745    5    5  1080   51%  3739   93%   54 Cubail 040722     3745    5    5  1040   51%  3742   93%   55 Ikal 3            3745    5    6  1040   51%  3740   94% --------------------------------------------------------------3745-B book will be played by Redfish 300322
  56 Hubble 3.3        3745    5    5  1140   50%  3743   94%   57 StudentChess      3745    5    5  1170   50%  3743   94%   58 CallmeX           3745    6    6  1000   51%  3741   94%   59 Oliprog           3745    4    4  1700   51%  3738   92%   60 MZ                3745    5    5  1060   52%  3734   90%   61 SCCT              3745    6    6  1020   50%  3743   93% --------------------------------------------------------------3741-44 book will be played by Blue Marlin 14.4Note: as I stated above, this book is tuned to prefer only theirs wins...
  62 Ukraine 52        3744    6    6  1000   51%  3741   90%   63 Ukraine 53        3744    5    5  1140   50%  3741   89%   64 Kayra 1.1         3744    6    6  1020   51%  3740   92%   65 Lobo 1            3744    6    6  1000   50%  3742   94%   67 TR POWER          3743    5    5  1020   51%  3735   89%   68 BRAIN by Cevdet   3743    6    6  1020   50%  3742   89%   69 Cerebellum 3M     3743    6    6  1000   51%  3739   92%   70 Lizard            3743    6    6  1020   51%  3740   92%   71 Own 140122        3743    5    6  1030   50%  3741   95%   72 Bufalo v4         3743    6    6  1000   51%  3739   89%   73 Leela-310123      3742    5    5  1000   50%  3740   91%   74 Mini NimaTiv 7    3742    6    6  1010   50%  3744   93%   75 Rufus2020         3742    6    6  1000   50%  3741   91%   76 Thunderwizard     3742    6    6  1010   50%  3742   95%   77 IP Top            3742    5    5  1170   52%  3732   89%   78 asmBook           3742    5    5  1030   52%  3732   90%   79 LesChats 160323   3741    6    6  1040   50%  3740   93%   80 Zodiac            3741    5    5  1030   52%  3732   89%   81 Attacker          3741    5    6  1010   51%  3735   92% 
 And very soon new updates (via standings) coming...
 Have fun, Sedat
    16.04.2023:Another new tournament is started...where this time my created booksWill be played by many 3700+ but very close in strength NNUE engines!However, as main engine:the new entry books are planning to be played(As usual) by Raubfisch X48c3 SC, as 1st reason due to less DRAWİSH...E.g playing itself, Raubfisch produced close to 88% draws, where otherTested engines (playing itself) produced minus plus 10% more...(98%)And these stats values are via Balsa openings (mainly up to 8 moves), But if via Drawish engine... plus deep strong openings: very likely 99%As second reason about why Raubfish will be as main engine is thatE.g in the recent BN XII and in BN V the test conditions were not so fair,Now just opposite)...My created books will be played by weaker engines!E.g I ran new strength eng testings, where I picked the ones, which areSightly weaker (e.g minus plus 5 Elo -10 Elo) than Raubfish X48c3 SC And as far as possible, I picked the ones which are less Drawish as wellSure, theirs overall draws are not so low, but sometimes it's worth to try..Be aware of that too, theirs default Evalfiles are different to each other...That means also, we'll have possibility to see various playing eng styles!
    And here are the latest strength results, actually I tested many more, but    I preferred 10 engines, which are best / suitable for these test conditions:
  Rank Name              Elo   +   - games score oppo. draws   1 Raubfisch X48c3 SC  3731   2   2  6924   51%  3724   93%   2 Swordfish 14.4      3730   4   4  1738   51%  3726   93%   3 Stockfish 120921    3727   4   4  1370   49%  3731   95%   4 SF-MZ 051222        3727   4   4  1678   50%  3729   95%   5 KomodoDragon 3.2    3726   3   3  2922   50%  3726   93%   6 BrainLearn 15       3725   5   5  1000   50%  3726   93%   7 CFishNN 240223      3724   3   3  2144   50%  3726   93%   8 Crystal 4.1         3721   4   4  1694   50%  3721   94%   9 Redfish 300322      3720   4   4  1464   49%  3726   93%  10 Blue Marlin 14.4    3720   3   3  2744   49%  3727   91% 
 Meanwhile (for anyone missed, interested): The opening books will use to play by the above NN engines. But all new entries will be played only by Raubfish X48c3 SC, Where my created books will be played mainly via rest engines..
     Ok... more information very soon and please stay tuned...)
