Dear Chess Friends,

On this news page,

You can read the previous postings...

Regarding mainly SCCT Book CS LII


3 new book entries where LCX 8.5L book is managed to qualify!

LCX is in BIN format and performed with almost 60% just great!

And as next planning book is Example V2 e.g after these testings,

The long-running CS LII competitions are going to be ended...

But however, I have good news,

The next planning tour format will be easier...more details soon!



2 new entries but unfortunately both books could not qualify (

GuzelKiz 5 book's performance is very good, but not enough...

To be honest, I expected Nimativ 1.1 opening book to qualify...

Not sure why, maybe due to it's a new opening book project...

Anyhow, my best wishes and success for all the next entries!

And without to not mention this I can't,

Let Me say please some words about current Leader 'Zeus Dual'

No BIG surprise that Mr Simeonidis's book managed to qualify..!

And I don't think that it's a luck, I mean if we check 37's results

We will notice that Zaus performed with 61% win. percentage!

Frankly, to reach / get these high's almost perfection!

This is also true that the old-dated books (including Zeus too)

Suffer...e.g in case vs the latest strongest trend opening books...

But it's quite normal...this happens with every old book out there!

And what about if we compare in overall openings. it's clear that:

- Zeus plus many other old-dated books are still not dead !)

And as a last note, I wish to say this great saying:

Success comes only to those

Who believe in themselves

And are prepared to win !)



I have good news, finely the tournament is resumed...!

Many decent opening books are entered...and just only

2 (two) books are managed to qualify...well- done..!

But what a pity that the rest entries could not.. really sad (

IP...books are based on decent Infinity + Playchess games

Just one example, IP Top 1-5 is based on Top 5: Results

And as I stated earlier...regarding in case of creating books...

High-quality games, special tuning, serious testings required etc.

Otherwise, just with importing's a lottery to qualify...

And probably that's why my created IP books were not so lucky...

Note: (during creation.) I spent approx.5 min. for each of them...

The size of IP books are very small...close to 10 MB (per book)



Just I'd like to inform you that probably after a few days,

CS LII tour is going to be please stay tuned...

On other hand, I strongly believe in that,

A well optimized strong book has BIG chances to qualify...!

E.g SCCT opening book is managed to get 3657 Elo points

For anyone missed: SCCT book's deep lines are not tuned...

Sure, the deep lines of CCRL, SPCC etc are not tuned too


The next entries already informed about current 6 opponents

So, to reach/pass 3675 should not be something like:

Looking for a needle in a haystack!)



Second League is paused too, but will be resumed later...

But before, I have to take some good rest...



Anabolic is another old-dated book, and managed to qualify...

What is going on?) because this book is more than 1 year old

Plus in BIN format, what I can say more, just IMPRESSİVE!

It seems Anabolic's performance is better as Best Move ON

E.g Anabolic book as Best Move OFF can be viewed: CS 34

Meanwhile, without to not mention this I can't:

This is the hardest book tour that I've ever organized/seen!

In other words,

You can use NNUE, make often draws..even very rarely may win...

But a small note: via Evalfile...

It is not so clear.: your Book or the Evalfile played a role...


You can play online via fast machine..where you may satisfy..

Or disappointed yourself...because via Evalfiles, almost all games

Are ending as draws, you have faster or BIG sense....

For example, (before NNUE)...hardware speeds played a BIG role

Note: the above stats are based on Playchess, Infinitychess games

Btw, in this tour, the draw percentage is 72%..not so high numbers...

Or your book may win against X book (on same hardware/online)

But what about in overall openings...exc A28, C65, D43 etc...

There are many other openings, where some deep books suffer..

And what about on same hardware?...e.g vs various openings?

That's why I say: to reach/pass 3675+ not soft it looks!

Here (via LII) for all same conditions, exc. the opening lines.!)

In short, I hope to see many play on real 'Arena' !



Just I'd like to point out too:

Really there are some Top books which were not so lucky...

For example just only a few of them:

Hurnatal v2 (by I. Hunavich), DON Lite 3 (by V. Chouhan)

Definitely there are more...which can be counted as unlucky..

So let's hope (in next time) to see more qualified books...!



MFDT (My Friends Dangerous Tower) is managed to qualify...

Really shocking news.. MFDT book is more than 4 years old!

How nice to see,

A old-dated book to break the well-known formula rules!

In other words, once more we noticed that,

The powerful move is not in big size, not in latest date, but in line!



Meanwhile, I could not test some books (released in 2020..)

Due to they are missing on my PC..thanks for understanding

However, I hope to check my CD's book archives... let's see...

And probably I will pick the ones, which performed not bad...

Some details about latest entry CMX, e.g belongs to 2006 year,

Based on CMX.obk (converted via OBK2PGN) In other words,

CMX is own book of the famous Chessmaster 'TheKing engine'

Xmas2640d.ctg is tuned prefer Xmas2640.abk book openings

Xmas released in 2006, one of 1st Champs of SCCT book tours

Zunkor belongs to 2009 year, also the same book played in 45

For more info about conditions, book registrations etc Details

Thanks for reading!
