Invited Speakers

Mattew Goodman

Chief Technical Officer at 3Scan

Title: "Novel Problems and Approaches for Volumetric 3d Pathology"

Bio: As Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at 3Scan Matthew Goodman is setting vision for the world’s leader in digitizing tissue samples for 3D investigation and modeling. After earning his undergraduate and masters degrees in Materials Science Engineering at the prestigious University of Arizona, he conducted his doctorate work at the University of Texas at Austin as a NIH NRSA Fellow.

He believes the medical cures needed for more difficult diseases like cancer and neurological disorders will be attainable when we are able to harness vast amount of contextual data. His goal has always been to optimize computer science to meet the needs of materials exploration. He has an affinity for difficult or previously unattempted problems of scale and complexity. His leadership style has supported his ability to recruit the best new talent in key areas that support these difficult challenges.

Dr. Manfredo Atzori

Senior researcher at University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Sierre (HES-SO)

Title: "Data variability as a challenge to improve classification and retrieval in digital pathology"

Bio: Manfredo Atzori is senior researcher at the Institute of Information Systems of the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO Valais), where he has worked since 2011. He received a M.Sc. in Physics and a Ph.D. in Bioengineering from the University of Padova, respectively in 2006 and 2009. His research interests concern the development and application of machine learning algorithms to analyse biomedical data.

From 2006 to 2010 Dr. Atzori was assistant researcher at the Brain Imaging research Unit of the University of Verona, in Italy, where he studied the brain with structural and functional image analysis techniques applied to magnetic resonance imaging.

Since 2011 he has managed the Ninapro database, a publicly available database aimed at improving the control of robotic hand prostheses with artificial intelligence techniques.

Since 2015 Dr. Atzori has worked, in collaboration with Contextvision AB, on the development of retrieval and computer aided diagnosis systems for cancer in digital pathology images using computer vision techniques based on deep learning.

Since 2016, Dr. Atzori has had a leading role in the Megane Pro Project, targeting the analysis and the simulation of eye-hand coordination.

Dr. Atzori has experience in developing and writing scientific projects in collaboration with academic research groups and companies and he has several national and international collaborations. He is author of numerous scientific publications in peer reviewed scientific journals and presented his work at several international conferences.

Dr. Filippo Fraggetta

Chief Pathologist at Cannizzaro Hospital, Italy

Title: "AI as an integrated tool into a fully digital routine workflow in a Pathology department"

Bio: Filippo Fraggetta, is the head of Pathology at Cannizzaro Hospital (Catania) since 2011. Starting from being a surgical pathologist he implemented the molecular as well as the digital pathology within the Pathology department in Catania. Actually the Department of Pathology at Cannizzaro Hospital is one of the few fully digital lab worldwide.

Member of the SIAPEC (Italian Society of Anatomic Pathology and Cytopathology), he is the founder and the responsible of DIGIPAT (Digital pathology section of SIAPEC) since 2018. Filippo Fraggetta is also in the editorial board of Jourmal of Pathology Informatics. He is the author of more than 100 peer reviewed papers in the field of surgical, molecular and digital pathology.

Filippo Fraggetta collaborates with national and international groups in the field of molecular and digital pathology.