Company Members

Company Co-Founder

Royal Huntsman

Year joined: 2005

Baron of the Court of Ansteorra, Kings Archer of Ansteorra, former Royal Huntsman of Ansteorra, Target Archer, Combat Archer, and Craftsman residing in the Shire of Gates Edge

Husband to Cynthia of Gates Edge

Arc/Arcarius: Arc D'Or

Company Member

Year joined: 2005

Target Archer and Combat Archer residing in the Shire of Gates Edge

Wife to Eadric Anstapa

Company Co-Founder

Year joined: 2005

Arc/Arcarius: Arc D'Or. Former Arcarius to Eadric Anstapa (Scott Mills)

Company Captain

Royal Huntsman

Year joined: 2005

Target Marshal of Ansteorra, Holder of the Sable Talon of Ansteorra for Combat Archery, Kings Archer of Ansteorra, Former Royal Huntsman, Companion of the Order of the Arc d’Or, Holder of the Sable Thistle for Toxopholitic Craftsmanship

Arc/Arcarius: Arc D'Or. Former Arcarius to Excellency Eadric Anstapa (Scott Mills)

Goals: To promote archery, both target and combat, in the society

Company Member

Royal Huntsman

Year joined: 2005

Arc/Arcarius: Arc D'Or. Former Arcarius to Excellency Eadric Anstapa (Scott Mills)


Company Member

Year joined: 2005

Goals: As part of team Hopitaler for the Barony of The Stargate, I constantly promote archery by approaching fellow SCA sisters & brothers, and newcomers, that show an interest in archery, inviting them to archery practice and bringing their attention to the fact that my lord husband, HL Leofwine of Sumersaetum, is a marshal and can help them get started. I make certain that archery-themed, plus St. Sebastian banners are displayed outside of our tent, in camp, and at each archery practice, also at the archery range at events. Helps to attract the attention of all interested & adds "atmosphere" to the event. I wear garb, with the St. Sebastian insignia on it, whenever possible, so others may see it and ask about it.

Company Member

Year joined:


Company Member

Royal Huntsman

Year joined: 2014

Arc/Arcarius: Arc d’ Or. Former Arcarius to Padraic of Kilkenny (Patrick Rick Breslin) and Jean Paul de Calmont (Paul Thorne)

Goals: To have fun and make sure everyone around me is having fun on and off the range/battlefield. I love designing new and exciting rounds for target archery tournaments. Promoting all of the missile weapons throughout the kingdom.

Company Member

Year joined: 2016

Arc/Arcarius: Arc D'Or. Former Arcarius to Padraic of Kilkenny (Patrick Rick Breslin)

Goals: Promote archery on all levels in the society - be a good example on and off the field/range .

Company Member

Year joined: 2016

Arc/Arcarius: Arcarius to Leofwine of Sumersaetum (Wayne Law)

Goals: To promote the archery community in a positive manner within the company, barony, kingdom and society. Making our area of fun open to all that would like to participate.

Additional goal is to keep learning and having fun with friends and chosen family.

Company Member

Year joined: 2018

Arc/Arcarius: Arcarius to Nikolai Vladislav (Todd Reamey)

Goals: While I thoroughly enjoy shooting at people and things, I sincerely enjoy supporting and growing the archery community as a whole.

Company Lieutenant

Year joined: 2019

Arc/Arcarius: Arcarius to Nikolai Vladislav (Todd Reamey)


Associate Member

Year joined: 2019


In Loving Memory

Royal Huntsman

Taken from us February 2, 2009.

Companion of the Order of the Arc d'Or

Companion of the Order of the White Scarf

Kings Archer of Ansteorra

Twice Royal Huntsman of Ansteorra

Target Archer, Combat Archer, and Craftsman.

Husband to Mea Passavanti

In Loving Memory

Baron of the Court

Kings Archer of Ansteorra

Target Archer, Craftsman, and Archers Muse residing in the Shire of Gates Edge

In Loving Memory

Target Archer, Combat Archer, and Craftsman residing in the Shire of Gates Edge