Meet Your Neighbors - Interfaith Program

This initiative helps diverse faith communities, in the Capital Region, learn about one another and build relationships that promote understanding and peace.

Our program provides opportunities for people of different faiths and ethnicities to share their beliefs and work together for the common good. The goal is for members of local houses of worship to meet neighbors who are different than themselves.

Each faith group will register below. Then view the registered list to contact another community they want to learn more about. Possible partnerships could be interfaith (i.e. Christian/Muslim), location (inner city denomination/suburban religious institution), or ethnicity (African American/Caucasian faith community). Communities choose whether their entire congregations or specific groups (i.e., youth groups, women's group) will be involved. Possible activities might include:

  • Dialogues
  • Service Projects
  • Educational or Social Activities
  • Joint Religious Services

Please consider how you individually and/or the faith community you belong to would like to be involved. Register your religious institution below!

Contact Mike Sand with any questions about the program at or 717-238-5558.