
During the last years I have been involved in several research projects aimed at developing innovative tools for the labour market through the analysis of Online Job Adverstisements.

With a team of computer scientists at CRISP (University of Milano-Bicocca) and of Tabulaex (now Burning Glass Europe), a spin off of the University of Milano-Bicocca, we have initially developed these tools for the Italian labour market.

In 2015 we have won a tender funded by the European Agency CEDEFOP, to develop a working prototype for analysing OJA in 5 European countries. We subsequently won a second tender aimed at developing a Pan-European tool that analyses OJA for 28 countries in Europe in a multilanguage setting. The project started in 2016 and finished in 2020.

I am currently the project leader of a subsequent tender (2021-2024), financed jointly by CEDEFOP and EUROSTAT, to develop further the tool and to transform it into a system of information integrated with Eurostat Smart Statistics.