Executive Board Elections

Are you or do you know someone interested in running for an elected volunteer position in our organization? Our elections are held in the early spring; terms begin in May. Nominate yourself or a capable colleague! For more information or to make a nomination, contact Dave Wendelin.

Positions open for election in winter/spring 2020:

  • Vice President (3-year term as President and Past-President also)
  • Recording Secretary (1-year term)
  • Member At-Large (2 positions/3-year terms)
  • Board of Auditors (1 position)

Read the Descriptions of Elected Positions here.

Benefits of serving as a CLAS officer

This is how we GROW as teaching professionals…

Participation on the Colorado Language Arts Society Board brings us the opportunity to join hands with others for the common good, and to develop friendships and partnerships that sustain us during challenging times in the teaching profession.

This is how we SERVE others…

It’s in our DNA: we nurture our students, we take pride in our profession, we support others. We get involved!

This is how we ADVOCATE for sensible policies in Colorado…

Serving on the CLAS Board puts you on the front line of policy-making in Colorado, advocating for children, parents, and colleagues. In the past year, CLAS board members have testified in the legislature, quizzed policymakers about literacy issues, and lobbied politicians about legislation. By banding together, we can make our voices heard.

This is how we DEVELOP our skills and abilities as literacy leaders…

We organize workshops, conferences, and events to elevate our practices. We meet and talk and listen and make plans. We go back to our classrooms, refreshed and re-energized. What we give to CLAS is given back to us many times over.