Descriptions of Elected Positions

PRESIDENT The president shall preside at all meetings, appoint the chairpersons of all committees and have charge of conducting the business of the organization. The president shall work closely with the executive secretary-treasurer. The term of president shall be one year. At the end of the presidential year, the president shall become the immediate past president and, in that capacity, serve as an officer for one additional year.

VICE PRESIDENT The vice president shall preside in the absence of the president and assist the president in the execution of business; he/she shall be the president-elect and shall succeed to the office of the presidency. He/she shall be the chairperson of the membership committee.

RECORDING SECRETARY The recording secretary shall keep records of all executive committee meetings and of all meetings of the general membership.

MEMBERS AT-LARGE The six members-at-large shall serve in an advisory capacity and assist in providing continuity for the organization. Each of the members-at-large will serve individual terms of three years. Two members will be elected each year. Members-at-large may be asked to chair or serve on committees.

BOARD OF AUDITORS The Society shall have a three-member board of auditors. Each member of the board of auditors will serve a three-year term; one auditor shall be elected each year. Members of the board of auditors are invited to attend executive committee meetings; however, because the committee serves a regulatory function, its members are not voting members of the executive committee. Auditors shall review the financial records of the Society at the end of the fiscal year and report their findings to the executive committee and to the general membership within 90 days or as soon as possible thereafter.