Working Papers
"The Effects of Eviction on Children" (with Deniz Dutz, John Eric Humphries, Nick Madar, Daniel Tannenbaum and Winnie van Dijk) Submitted
"Equilibrium Effects of Eviction Protections: The Case of Legal Aid" (with John Eric Humphries, Stephanie Kestelman, Scott Nelson, Winnie van Dijk and Daniel Waldinger) Submitted
"The Effects of Emergency Rental Assistance During the Pandemic: Evidence from Lotteries in Four Cities" (with Anthony DeFusco, Ben Keys, John Eric Humphries, David Phillips, Vincent Reina, Patrick Turner, and Winnie van Dijk), NBER WP Submitted
Peer-Reviewed Publications
The Long-Run Effects of America's Largest Residential Racial Desegregation Program: Gautreaux (with Eric Chyn and Danielle Sandler) NBER WP
Quarterly Journal of Economics, Forthcoming
Eviction and Poverty in American Cities (with John Eric Humphries, Nick Madar, Davin Reed, Daniel Tannenbaum and Winnie van Dijk)* NBER WP; published version (Coverage: The Economist, The Nation)
Quarterly Journal of Economics (2024), 139(1): 57-120, Online Appendix
*This subsumes and replaces my JMP: Collinson and Reed (2018)
How Do Changes In Housing Voucher Design Affect Rent and Neighborhood Quality (with Peter Ganong), published version
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2018), 10(2): 62–89, Online Appendix
Coverage: The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, NextCity, Fusion
Other Writing
Bolstering the Housing Safety Net: The Promise of Automatic Stabilizers (with Ingrid Gould Ellen and Ben Keys)
The Hamilton Project, Policy Proposal 2021-02. April 2021
Reforming Housing Assistance (with Ingrid Gould Ellen and Jens Ludwig)
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 686, 1: pp. 250-285. November 6, 2019.
Low-Income Housing Policy (with Ingrid Gould Ellen and Jens Ludwig) Economics of Means-Tested Transfer Programs in the United States, Volume II, ed. Robert Moffitt, University of Chicago Press
Coverage: The Atlantic Citylab
Allocation Problems in Low-Income Housing Policy
In preparation for More Equal by Design: Economic Design Responses to Inequality, eds. Scott Duke Kominers and Alexander Teytelboym, Oxford University Press.
"In-Kind Transfers and Early Childhood Development: Evidence from a Housing Assistance Lottery" (with Chloe Gibbs)
“Public Provision v. In-Kind Vouchers: Evidence from a Housing Assistance Lottery”
"Waiting Time as a Screening Device: Evidence from an Affordable Housing Lottery" (with Daniel Waldinger and Winnie van Dijk)
Materials provided are for Educational Use Only. All articles are the sole copyright of their respective publishers.