Playgroup overview

Our playgroups run according to Steiner early education principles, with a familiar structure that is consistent over time, providing a sense of security for the children, allowing them to relax and play creatively. Please see below for more detail on many of the features of our sessions.

Daily rhythm

After arrival and a period of free play, the group packs up together singing a tidy-up song. Children imitate the adults in making the space neat and ready for coming together at morning circle with songs and rhymes which honour the season. Morning tea follows with a glass of water or herbal tea, and a shared fruit plate. Alongside there may be a simple warm dish of rice and apple, or pikelets, corn cakes with cheese or dip, or the families may arrange a roster to bring something to share. There is further play time before a final story is narrated or sung by the leader with toys as props and familiar farewell songs and blessings.

This rhythm builds the children's confidence and skills in participating in age-appropriate ways in the group. While each leader does slightly different things, there is a unifying emphasis on supporting free exploratory play for the children while the parents work on a craft project or undertake other purposeful activity.

Mixed-age playgroups

Our Tuesday and Thursday playgroup sessions are mixed age (infant to five years). Fees are charged per family, so we often have siblings attending the same playgroup together.

Mixed-age sessions allow younger children to watch and model older children, whilst older children have the opportunity to develop nurturing and gentle play as they interact with and support the little ones.

What to expect

For the smooth running and comfort of those attending, we to encourage everyone to arrive as close to the start time as possible. This ensures that the children have adequate time for settling in and free play before we move into circle time and morning tea.

Outside play will happen in nearly all weather - be prepared with sun hats, warm layers of clothing and a change of clothes on hand.

We ask that parents are mindful that the playgroup is to support our children’s creative play and healthy social interactions and that it is a mobile/screen free zone.

Children’s own playthings from home should be kept in their bag/pram for safe keeping.

What to bring

For regular sessions (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (TBC)): A piece of fruit to share, drinking water, comfortable clothing and shoes enabling the children to climb and move around comfortably, spare change of clothes, wet weather clothes if required for outside play.

For Stepping Stones sessions (Monday or Wednesday): The Wednesday group usually shares a simple lunch of soup or salad so parents are encouraged to bring a vegetable to contribute. This changes seasonally and you will be provided you with further information once you have joined the group.

For the Monday and Wednesday groups we also reccomentd you bring backpack/bag, drinking water, comfortable clothing and shoes enabling the children to climb and move around comfortably, spare change of clothes, warm layers and jacket in winter, wet weather clothes (if required for outside play).


We are a community-run organisation, with a committee of parents from families participating in the playgroups. If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact the President for available opportunities. Committee members are volunteers, and do get discounted rates for term fees as compensation for their time and contributions.

We also host quarterly working bees to spruce up our environment and make it more beautiful. These are a great opportunity to meet more fellow playgroup members in our community. Participation in the working bees will result in full or partial refund of the yearly maintenance levy.

Health and wellbeing

It is important that your children are in good health when they come to playgroup. If your child is sick, please follow your doctor's or general medical recommendations on the appropriate exclusion period away from playgroup. Furthermore, if your child becomes ill with an infectious disease and has been at playgroup while potentially contagious, please let us know so we can advise the group to watch for symptoms and to minimise the spread. Your privacy will always be respected and maintained through any communications.

To help keep our room clean and safe, we ask that all food is consumed at the morning tea table (or in the kitchen with your supervision). There are hand washing facilities and napkins to help keep our toys free from food after eating.