
Current Projects

The Evolution of Childbirth

We are working with Dr. Martin Häusler and a team of clinical collaborators studying the evolution of obstructed labor in humans. This work includes investigations into birth positioning and joint laxity. We are also developing birth simulations that we perform on pelvic reconstructions of different hominin species to evaluate the mechanical causes of dystocia within an evolutionary context. 

Project Collaborators:

Dr. med. Nina Kimmich (Zurich University Hospital, Obstetrics Clinic)

Dr. Pierre Frémondière (University School of Midwifery Marseille Mediterranean and ADES, Aix Marseille University, CNRS, EFS, Marseille), 

Dr. Lionel Thollon (LBA, Aix Marseille University, IFSTTAR, Marseille)  

Dr. François Marchal (ADES, Aix Marseille University, CNRS, EFS, Marseille)

Interested in Finite Element Analysis?

My colleagues and I at UZH  are working  to establish a new FEA research group called Finite Element Zürich (FEZ) dedicated to increasing software and workflow accessibility for those interested in performing dynamic simulations. Contact us @ if you  would like to learn more about our open access initiative!

Project Collaborators:

Dr. Eva Herbst (Palaeontological Institute and Museum, University of Zürich)

Dylan Bastiaans (Palaeontological Institute and Museum, University of Zürich)

Dr. Torsten Scheyer (Palaeontological Institute and Museum, University of Zürich)

  © 2024 Nicole M. Webb