
Cohomology in Lie Theory

University of Oxford

24th - 28th June 2013

Organisers: Chris Bowman, Karin Erdmann, and David Stewart

Invited Speakers

 Henning Andersen (Aarhus, Denmark)

 Anton Cox (City, London)

 Joe Chuang  (City, London)

 Stephen Donkin (York)

 Stephen Doty (Loyola, Chicago, USA)

 Matthew Fayers (Queen Mary, London)

Simon Goodwin (Birmingham) 

Martin Liebeck (Imperial)

Frank Luebeck (Aachen, Germany)

 Sinead Lyle (University of East Anglia)

 George McNinch (Tufts, Boston, USA)

 Alison Parker (Leeds)

Cornelius Pillen (South Alabama, USA)

 Catharina Stroppel (Bonn, Germany)

Donna Testerman, (EPFL, Switzerland)

Supported by the John Fell Fund, London Mathematical Society, and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.