F.L. Studio Briefing
Harry Devon Johnson is EIN Registered (Employer Identification number)
Uncyclopedia of spelling,emotions,deaf:
Our spellings and pronunciation are different than standards - on allot of our profile and links;on
the internet, too see how real some people are -
when it comes to hate. Awh yea if you posting negative comments on us or making neagtive blogs -
you better be ready to kill us on the streets-
that's what you should do you hater bitches!
Fl studio briefing notes took from the full book:
This is not Official :
Credits by regardless Devon victory:
This form is designed especially for fl-studio to help people remember ever single ethical measure they used when Pro-duceing their music. This book covers everything from,measurements,sampling,engineering,mastering,rendering,beat calculators...coming out soon this is a briefing of the form without the form, we are working out more analytical remonstrance’s too make sure if fits FL studios user superiorly...
This is the material that you should read before deciding too use this form.
The homographic scales and dialogues that which are produced with in this form description are designed to make music sound clearer. These stages within this form also cohersts ethics of better engineering, also better mastering mix downs. Included also is a prevaricated exclamation to keeping up with files with-in fl studio ,fruity loops ,or any other version of fruity loops since the first one was created. These morals dedicated with in this edification are co-lined as an inside out method metaphorically speaking, from the sequencer to the processing elements, to the track bouncing of rendering waves, too the ethics of remembering back in the days.
It is best that when you’re reading this, that you set, your morals too use some of these guidelines if you find out that you already use some of these guidelines. You may see where this is going, but if you have never used one of these methods you may be prevaricated and or lost. But see there should always be a legitimate- of- way to be found. I’m going too show you this one quick trick on making all of your music clearer when you are using your fl studio download/software. This trick that I’m about to display too you is modified toward the finishing of making the beat, I’m stating this factor too make sure that your ear training skills are better than novice.
You should be at least one-step higher than novice. Now what I’m about too show, to you is the analytical function of changing the state of a beat that you’ve produced. This method changes the beat from a diluted mono setting to a perpetuous vagrant stereo setting. You need too think about this--as in a proportion that when you’re measuring frequency that with in a scale of 1 - ten 1 being the lowest frequency and 10 there for being the highest frequency and you would also have too have analytical belief that each higher number was a step clearer and each lower number was a step more diluted.
Though some guidelines in mastering and producing music when stated frequency, that moving the frequency too a lower position will make the song protrusion clearer. I’m not saying that this couldn’t be true but I am trying too show you a different way of crisp fresh lemon lime drink refreshness. This is the starting point on changing the state of a beat. Even though this method could be used on an instrumental level of just changing the state of one noise. Even though you can change multiple noises @ one time, meaning that if you use one of the mixer insert tracks and it’s the case that you have multiple effects with in the FX slots. At the same time when you were using the FX slots that you had sent a sample over to the mixer insert track.
This is an example of changing the state of one sample and or multiple settings. In order too send a solo sample too a mixer insert track, you start with locating the sequencer (the device where you put each music note) now that you‘ve located which sample that it is that you want too go to the mixer track. Now that you’ve found the sample, you would now move your mouse cursor to where the exact sample is and press it down so that a screen pops up that says channel settings.
Now right next to the channel settings word - on the left, there should be a button that you can press that appears as an A.V. plug. You have too right or left click this A.V. element. It depends on how your keyboard mouse is set up on the right or left clicks method. Now it should be as stated statement stating that you can assign a free mixer track.
Ok moving right along to changing the state of a beat, not just one sample or multiple samples even though what I‘m about to show you changes the state of the whole entire beat - meaning ever single instrument and plug-in, in it’s entirety ,so it could seam as if multiples also plagiarism of stating the different changing maneuver.
You must make sure that when you are about to use this method that out of the 64 channels on the mixer insert tracks, you must use the first mixer insert track which should be labeled as the master track. To make sure that the track is the master track, you would need too move your mouse to hovering over the word master and press it now you should be able too move too the far right of the mixer and select an FX slot. I would advise you to use the first Fx slot there should be 8 slots the reason why I say you should use the first slot is because slots like 7 and 8 are special slots just like on the mixer insert tracks that the 4 sends are special mixer tracks FX slot seven and 8 are designed.
What you should do now is find the plug-in called fruity phase inverter even if it is possible too get a voice statement out of the fruity phase inverter, that is not what we are using this device for. This device changes the state of a beat. Changing the state to left or right also too the off position. The best state too leave the inverter, is the right state, even though left and right can seem as if "plagarizimly" close. Say for instance, if you were to have the inverter in the right state while, a beat was in a loop process and you change the inverter to the off position. Then change it to the left state now it would seam different than off. Now if you try to change back to the right state the sound quality should seam as if the same as it was in the left state. Very similar so some people can prevaricate the fact that with the production left at the right state sounds better.
Also on the sequencer on the instrument channel tracks. None of the volumes should be turned up one hundred percent as far as the volume should go, you should always be mixing down. Its possible too leave the volume up and still make it clear but you’re going to have too turn the shit down sooner or later. This is a method too cover some of the ending engineering tricks ahead of time.