Pre-registration discussion forum

Post date: Sep 11, 2015 9:49:29 AM

This is a forum for students and internship advisors to discuss (anonymously or not) any issues regarding pre-registration among them. Comments are not moderated, so please be considerate with others.


- How many studies do you need to be sure there’s not too much bias in the data?

- Bias of person running the experiment (i.e. non-native language, “in the wild” vs. in the lab) but still need to do it, just document it (?)

- Exclusion requirements (for babies)

- Pre-set analyses in data analyses

—> How do you know which analyses to conduct?

—> When can you declare what analyses you’ll conduct?

- What to do if the media misconstrues your work, e.g. “best way to learn a language”?

—> What about when bad articles get press?


- How do you make sure your materials aren’t biased?

- A lot of baby research is underpowered

- How do you plan “exploratory analyses” in your pre-registration?

- Do you report *all* possible hypotheses / outcomes? Some are just silly based on past literature.

- What if you don’t have a specific hypothesis?