To the Carnegie Building:

The Carnegie Building is located on the side of campus closest to downtown Troy. From the Visitor's Center, follow the bridge over 15th Street. Continue in the same direction, past Low (#14 on the campus map) and DCC (#17) on your left and the football field on your right. Stay to the left of the Greene Building (#24), Lally (#25), and Amos Eaton (#26). When you reach the far corner of Amos Eaton, walk down the stairs. Carnegie (#3) will be directly in front of you. 

To the Russell Sage Laboratory:

The Russell Sage Laboratory (#6) is located near the Carnegie Building. From the Carnegie Building travel up the road past the Walker Laboratory (#4). The Russell Sage Laboratory is located on the left. Use the entrance across from the Walker Lab. The Cognitive Architecture Laboratory used to be located on the bottom floor, first door on the left.

To the CogArch Lab:

The Cognitive Architecture Laboratory is currently located on the first floor at 41 9th Street, Troy, NY, which is marked as #27 on the map. Go downhill from Carnegie (or from Russell Sage), past the West parking lot, until you reach 9th Street.