Homepage of Giuseppe Maria Coclite

Homepage of Giuseppe Maria Coclite 

Full Professor in Mathematical Analysis

Department of Mechanics, Mathematics and Management

Polytechnic University of Bari

Via E. Orabona 4

70125 Bari (Italy)

Email: giuseppemaria.coclite@poliba.it

Office: 4 II floor

Tel: +39 080.596.3653

Skype: coclitegm  

CV: complete, short




Editor of the journals

Control and Machine Learning 2022


CIME Summer school PDEs, Control and Deep Learning

Cetraro, 22-26 July 2024

RISM workshop Second RISM Congress on PDEs and continuum mechanics

Varese, 10-12 April  2024

PRIN workshop Multiscale and Nonlocal Problems in PDEs

Palermo, 20-21 June 2024

One-day workshop on applied mathematics 2024

Bari, 30 May 2024

Philosophical position of John Ball (pdf)

Important thoughts (pdf)