Unit Six Review List

Review Terms and Concepts

The following list of key terms, people, and phrases make an excellent list to create flashcards for studying.


social differentiation

social stratification

3 dimensions to stratification (class, status or prestige, party)

Max Weber

Herbert Gans and his view on poverty

Conflict vs. Functionalist perspectives on inequality

estate system

caste system


social class

life chances

means of production

status attainment

socioeconomic status (SES)

median income


occupational prestige

educational attainment

Layers of social class

upper class

middle class

lower-middle class

lower class




net worth

social mobility

intergenerational vs. intragenerational mobility

closed class systems

open class systems

upward mobility

downward mobility

class consciousness

false consciousness

poverty line

feminization of poverty

culture of poverty

family wage system

professional-managerial class

absolute poverty

relative poverty


core countries

double deprivation

first world countries

second world countries

third world countries

world poverty

food poverty

global system of stratification

international division of labor

modernization theory


peripheral countries

semi-peripheral countries

world systems theory

world economic system

multinational corporations

food shortage

extreme poverty

commodity chain

capability poverty

dependency theory