phyloxml converter

phyloXML converter


phyloxml_converter is a simple Java command line tool to convert various phylogentic tree formats to phyloXML ("newick to phyloxml").

It can read trees in the following formats:

It is implemented in Java as part of the forester libraries.

A similar, but more flexible, tool is the phylogeny decorator: decorator



java -cp path\to\forester.jar org.forester.application.phyloxml_converter -f=<field option> [options] <infile> <outfile>

field options:

nn: transfer name to node/clade name

tc: transfer name to taxonomy code

sn: transfer name to taxonomy scientific name

cn: transfer name to taxonomy common name

gn: transfer name to sequence name

sy: transfer name to sequence symbol

dummy: to convert NHX formatted trees to phyloXML

i1: transfer/split name to taxonomy uniprot identifier (split at underscore if "id_name" pattern, e.g. "817_SusD")

i2: transfer/split name to taxonomy uniprot identifier (split at underscore if "name_id" pattern, e.g. "SusD_817")


-i : internal node names in NH or NHX tree are confidence values

-c=<conf>: confidence type (e.g. "bootstrap", default is "unknown")

-ru : replace all underscores with spaces

-m : midpoint reroot

-o : order subtrees

-xt : extract taxonomy to taxonomy code from "seqname_TAXON"-style names (cannot be used with the following field options: tc, cn, sn)

-xp : extract taxonomy to taxonomy code from Pfam ("seqname_TAXON/x-y") style names only (cannot be used with the following field options: tc, cn, sn)

-ni : no tree level indentation in phyloXML output

-iqs : ignore quotes and whitespace (e.g. "a b" becomes ab)