
Research in brief:

Nonlinear evolution partial differential equations. In particular, the study of front propagation phenomena in equations of pseudo-parabolic, kinetic,

parabolic and hyperbolic type. This amounts to study travelling waves and rarefaction waves, moving interfaces and fronts invading unstable states.

Some of my research on the above topics was motivated by physical problems arising in infiltration in porous media. Most recently,

I have looked at some fluid dynamic problems related to this issue from a more applied, although still mathematical, point of view. This includes

modelling and rigorous mathematical analysis of accumulation in thin-film viscous flows over a smooth substrate in a limit in which both gravity

and surface tension balance. Currently, I am also interested in understanding some processes of two-phase flow by stochastic analysis of simple models of

a two dimensional porous medium.

Some collaborators: M. Calle (formerly at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), J.J.L. Velázquez (University of Bonn),

F. Achleitner and S. Hittmeir (Vienna University of Technology) and J.R. King (University of Nottingham).

PhD Students: 

J. Cayama (PhD 2020, supervised with F. de la Hoz) 

X.Diez (PhD 2021)

I. Girona (expected 2024, supervised with F. de la Hoz) 

L. Constantin (expected 2026, supervised with J. Giacomoni and G. Warnault, co-tutelle with Univ. Pau)

Research Projects:  

Past projects: