Information Exchange Corner

▷ 2014.08. "Modern" infrastructure established in the 20th century should be checked comprehensively and in depth, as soon as possible, for facilitating human security (上世紀的「現代」建設急需全面體檢) (in Chinese)

▷ 2014.03. [Tea Lecture]: The characteristics and art of Chinese Tea Pot. at L-Plaza, Sapporo, Japan (in Japanese)


▷ 2014.02. Please give the "Chien-Cheng Circle" more time for its revitalization, (再給圓環多一點時間) (in Chinese)


▷ 2013.08. Stopping the food waste generation by using some useful ideas  (多花一些心力 就能有效杜絕食物浪費), (in Chinese)


▷ 2013.08. [Tea Lecture]: Introduction of Taiwanese Tea and its  regional cultural characteristics.  at L-Plaza, Sapporo, Japan (in Japanese)

▷ 2012.09. Tackling the historical territorial dispute with regard to the environmental and ecological conservation.  (讓歷史造就的領土爭議 由生態保育來解決), (in Chinese)

▷ 2011.09. Some suggestions on the promotion of the car-free lifestyle in cities.  (對推廣都市內無車生活的幾點建議與期待), e-info,   (in Chinese)

▷ 2011.08. Please give a chance for promoting the sustainable development for the environment and society-  Reexamining the real price of energy and resources regarding the accident of Fukushima nuclear power plant (給環境與社會永續一個機會──從核災事件對能資源價值的再檢視), (in Chinese)

▷ 2011.02. On the traditional Lantern festivals in Taiwan (元宵習俗有感:天燈、烽炮與炸寒單爺), (in Chinese)

▷ 2010.10. [Tea Lecture]: How to appreciate Taiwanese Tea. at Okayama Central Community Center, Okayama, Japan (in Japanese) 

▷ 2010.03. Considering problems and countermeasures of unstable water resources in Taiwan (面對不穩定的水資源),, 1, 2 (in Chinese)

▷ 2009.08. Emerging tasks and future directions for the extreme typhoon disasters in Taiwan (風災之後 當務之急與未來的路), e-info,   (in Chinese)

▷ 2005.09. Is car-free life achievable? A contradiction of exchanging energy consumption for time saving  (無車日回響:以能源換取時間的都市叢林), e-info,   (in Chinese)

▷ 2004.09. Considering the preservation and revitalization of the Japanese-style dormitory in Taiwan (日式宿舍保存與再生的省思), e-info,   (in Chinese)

▷ 2004.04. Try the game of calculating your daily ecological scores with the method proposed by Hayden Turner  (海登的生態點數遊戲) (in Chinese)

The articles could be available in    Weng, Y. C., “Integrated Systematic Thinking Concepts Towards Sustainable Development- Essays for Public Policy Making in Taiwan.” ISBN: 4802092199, 128 pages, Inknet Publishing Co Ltd., Feb. 2022  (in Chinese)  [link]

Supplemental tradition Chinese version translated by Wen-Ying Li and Weng, permitted by Prof. Takatsuki.