
Articles in Refereed Journals

-The Effect of the Pandemic on the Transition to Tertiary Education in Chike: A Focus on Students with Disabilities, with Suzanne Duryea and Maria Ignacia Contreras. International Journal of Educational Development.Vol 100, 2023.


-Reducing Parent-School Information Gaps and Improving Education Outcomes: Evidence from High-Frequency Text Messages, with Samuel Berlinski, Matias Busso and Taryn Dinkelman. Journal of Human Resources, online December 2022

- Home Alone versus After-School Programs: The Effects of Adult Supervision on Child Academic Outcomes, with Marcela Perticará. International Journal of Educational Research. 104 2020.

- The Effects of micro entrepreneurship programs on labor market performance: Experimental evidence from Chile, with Esteban Puentes and Jaime Ruiz-Tagle. AEJ Applied.  Vol 10, no 2 April, 2018 pp 101-124. Policy Brief-Español

 - Childcare Effects on Maternal Employment: Evidence from Chile, with Marcerla Perticará. Journal of Development Economics. Volume 126-May 2017, pp.127-137 Appendix

 - The effects of financial aid and returns information in selective and less selective schools: Experimental evidence from Chile, with Matias Busso, Taryn Dinkelman and Dario Romero. Labour Economics. Volume 45, April 2017, Pages 79-91.

- Micro-Entrepreneurship Debt Level and Access to Credit: Short term Impacts of a Financial Literacy Program, with Esteban Puentes. European Journal of Development Research. April 2017.

- Savings in Transnational Households: A Field Experiment among Migrants from El Salvador, with Nava Ashraf, Dean Yang and Diego Aycinena. Review of Economics and Statistics. Volume 97, Issue 2-  May 2015 pp. 332-351.

- Investing in Schooling in Chile: The Role of Information about Financial Aid for Higher Education, with Taryn Dinkelman. Review of Economics and Statistics. Volume 96, Issue 2 - May 2014, pp.244-257. Policy Brief

- Response of Tax Credit Claims to Tax Enforcement: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in Chile, with Claudio Agostini. Fiscal Studies. Vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 41–65. 2014

- Intrahousehold Allocation and Bargaining Power: Evidence from Chile, Economic Development and Cultural Change. Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 577-605. April 2013

 - Voluntary Savings, Financial Behavior andPension Finance Literacy: Evidence from Chile, with Oscar Landerretche M. Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 12 (3) : 251–297, July 2013.

- Equidad Tributaria Horizontal en el Impuesto al Ingreso en Chile, with Claudio Agostini and Barbara Flores. Cepal Review, No. 108, December, 2012.

Other Publications

-Discapacidad y Mercado Laboral en Chile, with Bernardita Vial. Revista Estudios Públicos n°169, Verano 2023, pp 69-120.

- The Effect of an IRS Enforcement Letter on Diesel Tax Credits Claimed, with Claudio Agostini, Proceedings of the 104rd Annual Conference on Taxation, New Orleans, November 2011

- Tax Exemptions in Chile’s Income Tax , with Claudio Agostini and Bárbara Flores, Proceedings of the 103rd Annual Conference on Taxation, Chicago, November 2010.

- Corporate Tax Minimization and the Effectiveness of Investment Incentives, with Estelle Dauchy. State Tax Notes, Vol. 47, No. 13, March 31, 2008.

- Remittances and Poverty in Migrant’s Home Areas: Evidence from the Philippines, with Dean Yang, in Caglar Ozden and Maurice Schiff, eds, International Migration, Remittances and the Brain Drain, World Bank, 2005, pp 81-121.

- Structural Change in Labor Demand, con Gustavo Morales and Rodrigo Valdés, Economía Chilena, 2001

Working Papers

- Better Strategies for Saving More: Evidence from Three Impact Evaluations in Chile, with Abhijit Banerjee and Esteban Puentes (revise and resubmit)


- The Impact of Cash-Transfer Delivery Method on Savings Behavior: Experimental Evidence, with Abhijit Banerjee and Esteban Puentes (submitted)


- Socioemotional Skills Development in Highly Violent Contexts: Measurements and Impacts, with Lelys Dinarte, Pablo Egaña del Sol and Cindy Rojas


- Disability Employment Quotas: Effects of Laws and Nudges, with Suzanne Duryea and Raimundo Smith