
Text and copypastas related to Miiverse clones.

I don't care what your opinions on Arian, the bot, or the admins are. This was ridiculous. I'm honestly very disappointed. I don't care what your goal was, spam and being obnoxious is not the answer. So i'm going to make you guys a deal, I will listen to your feedback and give it to Arian. I only have the ability to delete posts, and if I could do more I would most certainly put the "rogue" admins in their place, but that is Arian's decision, so work with me for the time being. I will help you all the best I can, but I can't do much at the moment.

So what did you say about porn? Oh, My son here is addicted to watching porn right here. Arman Fucking Kordi! OH MY GOD! He just put a timer for 6 O`Clock to watch gay porn and sex porn, I was like "What the hell man?" I slapped his ass- NO NO THE REMINDER STRICTLY SAID -THE REMINDER STRICTLY SAID TO DO HOMEWORK!- Homework? What the hell do you mean? You didn't even get any homework today son! I called your teacher- I GET MORE HOMEWORK IN A SINGLE NIGHT THAN YOU DO AN ENTIRE YEAR- I called your teacher and she said "hell no i don't got homework" and i was like "Ok baby girl you wanna go on a date, C'mon C'mon lets go in bed" and she was like "Hell Yeaa" So i called your teacher. NO STOP STOP!

what the fuck is wrongeth with seth. he makes chance an Official Cedar Developer™™™ for only implementing AUTOMATIC LOGINS WHEN YOU SIGN UP HOLY SHIT REVOLUTIONARY STOPPED ALL THE PROBLEMS WITH CEDAR and i gave seth the fuking anti-spam code that should've been there from the beginning (if you want to see a demo, try posting fast at https://cedar-not-actually-official-cedar-only-for-dev.ariankordi.net/titles/1) and also made him new mii server code that he did not even fucking put in, oh not to mention fixing like 69 bugs and uh TEACHING SETH PHP ENTIRELY

arian for cedar developer 2069 i'm starting a change.org petition to get cedar's source code OH WAIT i already did and it got like 144 signatures

seth is anus

Fuck you nigga! You dumbass, blind, stupid, motherfucker! I hope you died during sex! I hope your parents and your friends from real life hates and don’t give a shit about you and die! Your post are so disgusting and gay! And you are trying to make me and my friends leave Closedvserse! Well that’s not going to happen dickless motherfucker! So fuck you, fuck your life, fuck your post and stop tolling me and my friends!! FUCK YOU!!🖕🏿🤬

But when is "soon"? Is the site ending in 10 days, because that's when it turns 1 year old? Is it shutting down eventually, when it dies and literally nobody wants it anymore? Are you going to release Openverse²? Are you going to remake Grape? Are you releasing Closedverse LE? Are you going to announce a secret Miiverse clone project you've been keeping secret for a few months? Is Slaj suddenly going to be finished and released? Is Slaj going to release as Closedverse but just with new features? Is Indigo going to release? Are you indicted? Are you going to be death penalty ied? Are you going to hang yourself? Are you going to announce that you're pregnant? Are you going to quit Miiverse clones and make Splatoon clones instead? Are you going to make YouTube clones? Are you going to join DELL as an intern or some crap? Are you going to pretend to die but instead live in a hole in Italy? Are you going to move back to Iran in fear of being arrested? Are you going to kill Closedverse on September 9th? Are you going to have an archive of Closedverse? Will you give Closedverse's database to PF2M? Will you burn all of the data associated with Closedverse? Why can't I archive Closedverse using the WayBack Machine? Can you enable WayBack Machine on Closedverse? Are you killing Closedverse on September 9th?

please mr. Jesús just make closedverse fast i've tried literally everything i can do including using gevent, parititoning the database, getting a server with a better cpu, and caching literally everything but having it not work at all and also pypy and fail2ban haven't done SHIT please i have fought this battle since like november every page takes 42069 seconds to load is it really too much to ask I TRIED CACHING BUT IT DIDN'T FUCKING WORK I TRIED IT IN EVERY COMBINATION AND LIKE IN EVERY SINGLE THING IT SHOULD MAKE THE SERVER LIKE 94392489327847239 FASTER BUT NO IT DOESN'T DJANGO DECIDES THAT NOPE NOTHING SHOULD BE CACHED LOL AND THEN USELESS SYSTEM RESOURCES ARE TAKEN UP AND NOTHING HAPPENS FUCK YOU mr Jesús and also i somewhat doubt it has to do with CPython it has to be the database and for those who don't knoW NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't just make this site use PHP™ or a Java Virtual Machine™ this is django and it's jjango wait a second yeah i just upgraded to django 2.0 and guess what that didn't work how surprising

i think i've overexaggerating no i haven't tried EVERYTHING you know what i haven't tried? fuck ing escaping django but honestly it isn't worth it, and y''''know i actually tried to rewrite this entire site in node.js which would've probably made it, not fast but just NORMAL but i actually gave that up, i got lots of things leading to user pages but

yeah actually i HAVEN't tried EVERYTHING, caching would probably fix the performance but it's all been added without planning and i could probably get it all working eventually if i actually tried and also not all pages have caching but all pages are slow but this site is dead anyway so who cares