

Clinton Graydon McCrory


1968 BS in Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1970 MA in Mathematics, Brandeis University

1972 PhD in Mathematics, Brandeis University

    Thesis: Poincaré Duality in Spaces with Singularities

    Advisor: Jerome P. Levine


1964 Presidential Scholar from South Carolina (A.C. Flora High School)

1968 Sigma Xi (M.I.T.)

1972 Leverhulme Fellow (University of Warwick)

1995 Beaver Teaching Award (University of Georgia)

1997 McCay Faculty Award (Mathematics Department, University of Georgia)

2007 General Sandy Beaver Teaching Professor (University of Georgia) 


1972-73 Visiting Lecturer, University of Warwick

1973-74 Member, Institute for Advanced Study

1974-76 Tamarkin Instructor, Brown University

1976-80 Assistant Professor, Brown University

1980-86 Associate Professor, University of Georgia

1986-09 Professor, University of Georgia

2001-07 Director, Mathematics Department VIGRE Program, University of Georgia

2009 Professor Emeritus, University of Georgia 


1980 (Spring) University of Warwick, University of Pisa

1981 (April) Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques

1982 (September) University of Pisa

1986 (Fall) Mathematical Sciences Research Institute

1989 (Spring) University of Warwick

1990 (October) University of São Paulo at São Carlos

1992 (Fall) Mathematical Sciences Research Institute

1993 (November) University of Sydney

1994 (December) University of Sydney

1996 (December) University of Angers

1998 (Spring) University of Angers (Chercheur Associé, CNRS)

2000 (Spring) University of Warwick, University of Angers

2004 (Spring) Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, University of Angers

2005 (Fall) Institut Henri Poincaré 

2008 (June) University of Angers

2010-2011 (October and April) University of Nice 


Brown University: 

    Edwin Kokubun, MA 1975: The Schoenflies Theorem in Dimensions 2 and 3 in the Piecewise-Linear Category

    Karen Roothaan, MA 1978: A Regular Cell Structure on G2R4

    Janine Clookey, MA 1980: Introduction to Klein's Theory of the Icosahedron

    James Sheehan, MA 1981: Knots and Singularities of Plane Curves

    Barry Hill-Tout, PhD 1983: A Local Euler Invariant for Real Algebraic Singularities

University of Georgia: 

    Mark Faucette, MA 1983: Intersection of Manifolds and the Cup Product

    Shoji Yokura, PhD 1984: Polar Classes and Segre Classes on Singular Projective Varieties

    Janice Brown, MA 1986: Qualitative Properties of Autonomous Systems of First Order Differential Equations

    Lazar Milin, PhD 1987: A Combinatorial Computation of the First Pontryagin Class of the Complex Projective Plane

    Chris Sligar, PhD 1990: On the Minimal V-Degree of the Generalized Jones Polynomial   

    Scott Corley, MA 1995: A Discussion with Examples of the Relationship between the Euler Characteristic and Cusps of the Gauss Map

    Mu Yeol Park, PhD 1997: Classification of Stable Cut Loci of Surfaces

    Michelle LeMasurier, PhD 1998: Singularities of Second Order Implicit Differential Equations

    Edgar Fuller, PhD 1999: The Geometry and Topology of Holonomic Knots

    Valerie Hower, PhD 2007: Hodge Spaces of Real Toric Varieties 

    Emille Davie Lawrence, PhD 2007: Characterizing Right-Veering Homeomorphisms of the Punctured Torus via the Burau Representation


1. Euler singularities and homology operations, Amer. Math. Soc. Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 27 (1975), 371-380. MR 51:14089.

2. Cone complexes and PL transversality, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 207 (1975), 269-291. MR 53:4078.

3. Cobordism operations and singularities of maps, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 82 (1976), 281-283. MR 54:3718.

4. Cone bundles, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 228 (1977), 157-163. MR 55:11261.

5. A characterization of homology manifolds, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 16 (1977), 146-159. MR 56:3846.

6. (with T. Banchoff) Whitney duality and singularities of projections, Geometry and Topology, Rio de Janeiro 1976, Springer Lecture Notes in Math. 597 (1977), 68-81. MR 56:6678.

7. Stratified general position, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, Santa Barbara 1977, Springer Lecture Notes in Math. 664 (1978), 142-146. MR 80m:57016.

8. Geometric homology operations, Studies in Algebraic Topology, Advances in Math. Suppl. Studies, vol. 5 (1978), 119-141. MR 80j:57016.

9. Zeeman's filtration of homology, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 250 (1979), 147-166. MR 81b:55002.

10. (with T. Banchoff) A combinatorial formula for normal Stiefel-Whitney classes, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 76 (1979), 171-177. MR 80h:57031.

11. (with J. Blanton) An axiomatic proof of Stiefel's conjecture, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 77 (1979), 404-414. MR 80k:55052.

12. (with R. Hardt) Steenrod operations in subanalytic homology, Compositio Math. 39 (1979), 333-371. MR 82b:55019.

13. (with T. Banchoff and T. Gaffney) Cusps of Gauss Mappings, Research Notes in Mathematics, No. 55, Pitman Publishing Ltd., London 1982. MR 84a:48001. Second edition (with Daniel Dreibelbis): online publication

14. On the topology of Deligne's weight filtration, Amer. Math. Soc. Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 40 (1983), part 2, 217-226. MR 85f:14020.

15. (with T. Shifrin) Cusps of the projective Gauss map, J. Differential Geometry 19 (1984), 257-276. MR 85m:14070.

16. Massey products in singularity links, Duke Math. J. 51 (1984), 691-697. MR 86a:32038.

17. (with T. Banchoff and T. Gaffney) Counting tritangent planes of space curves, Topology 24 (1985), 15-23. MR 86m:58028a.

18. (with T. Shifrin and R. Varley) The Gauss map of a generic hypersurface in P4, J. Differential Geometry 30 (1989), 689-759. MR 91f:14039.

19. Configuration spaces of simplicial spheres, IV Convegno Nazionale di Topologia, Sorrento 1988, Rend. Circolo Mat. Palermo, Suppl. ser. II, no. 24 (1990), 159-168. MR 93b:57023.

20. (with M. Adams, T. Shifrin and R. Varley), Symmetric Lagrangian singularities and Gauss maps of theta divisors, Singularity Theory and its Applications, Part I, D. Mond and J. Montaldi, eds., Springer Lecture Notes in Math. 1462 (1991), 1-26. MR 92j:14033. [Errata in reference 29 below.]

21. (with T. Shifrin and R. Varley) The Gauss map of a genus three theta divisor, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 331 (1992), 727-750. MR 92h:14019.

22. (with M. Adams, T. Shifrin and R. Varley) Invariants of Gauss maps of theta divisors, Amer. Math. Soc. Proc. Symp. Pure Math. vol. 54, part 2 (1993) 1-8. MR 94a:00011.

23. (with Juan J. Nuno Ballesteros and M. Carmen Romero-Fuster) Self-translation surfaces, Matematica Contemporanea 5 (1993), 61-76.

24. (with G. Kennedy and S. Yokura) Natural transformations from constructible functions to homology, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série I, 319 (1994), 969-973. MR 96a:57059.

25. (with T. Shifrin and R. Varley) Siegel modular forms generated by invariants of cubic hypersurfaces, J. Algebraic Geometry, 4 (1995), 527-556. MR 95m:14018.

26. (with J. Fu) Stiefel-Whitney classes and the conormal cycle of a real analytic variety, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 349 (1997), 809-835. MR 97h:32009.

27. (with A. Parusiński) Complex monodromy and the topology of real algebraic sets, Compositio Math. 106 (1997), 211-233. MR 98d:14075.

28. (with A. Parusiński) Algebraically constructible functions, Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. Paris 30 (1997), 527-552. MR 98f:14047.

29. (with M. Adams, T. Shifrin, and R. Varley) Conic Lagrangian singularities, Topology and its Applications 88 (1998), 155-178. MR 99i:57049.

30. (with A. Parusiński) Topology of real algebraic sets of dimension 4: necessary conditions, Topology 39 (2000), 495-523. MR 2000m:14060.

31. How to show a set is not algebraic, in Algorithmic and Quantitative Real Algebraic Geometry (S. Basu and L. Gonzalez-Vega, eds.), DIMACS Series, vol. 60, Amer. Math. Soc. 2003, 77-82. MR 2004d:14085.

32. (with A. Parusiński) Virtual Betti numbers of real algebraic varieties, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, 336 (2003), 763-768. MR 2004e:14087.

33. (with F. Bihan, M. Franz, and J. van Hamel) Is every toric variety an M-variety?, Manuscripta Math. 120 (2006), 217-232. MR 2008b:14082a.

34. (with A. Parusiński) Algebraically constructible functions: real algebra and topology, Panoramas & Synthèses 23, Soc. Math. France 2007, 68-85. MR 2009k:14112.

35. (with A. Parusiński) The weight filtration for real algebraic varieties, in Topology of Stratified Spaces, MSRI Pub. 58, Cambridge University Press, New York 2011, 121-160. MR2796410. Correction, June 2014.

36. (with A. Parusiński) The weight filtration for real algebraic varieties II: classical homology, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas 108 (2014), 63-94. MR3183108.

37. (with A. Parusiński) Real intersection homology, Topology and its Applications 234 (2018), 108-129. MR3739460.

38. (with A. Parusiński and L. Paunescu) Algebraic stratified general position and transversality, J. Algebraic Geometry 28 (2019), 139-152. MR3875363.

39. (with A. Parusiński) Real intersection homology II: A local duality obstruction, Topology and its Applications 271 (2020), 107050. MR4050745.


1. Lectures on homology operations, Brown University 1976. 

2. Profiles of surfaces, University of Warwick 1980.

3. Generic curves and surfaces in 3-space: contact with lines and planes, University of Warwick 1980.

4. Secant planes of space curves, MSRI 1992.

5. Homology of real algebraic varieties: products and singularities,  UGA 2013.

6. References on Stiefel-Whitney classes, University of Nice 2013.

7. Hyperresolutions: complex and real, Cargèse 2019.

8. The intrinsic stratification of a semialgebraic set, Marseille 2021.


2008 Workshop in Real Algebraic Geometry (University of Angers), MSRI Workshop on the Topology of Stratified Spaces 

2009 Conference on Real Singularities in Analysis and Geometry (University of Rennes)

2010 Georgia Institute of Technology 

2011 Kyoto University, Kagoshima University

2012 University of Nice, CIRM Conference on the Topology and Geometry of Singular Spaces (Luminy) 

2013 Franco-Japanese-Vietnamese Symposium on Singularities (University of Nice)

2015 CIRM Conference: Thematic Month on Singularities and Applications (Luminy) 

2019 Real and Complex Singularities in Cargèse (for Adam Parusiński's 60th birthday)

2021 Singularity Theory and Regular Stratifications (Marseille, for David Trotman's retirement)

(Revised March 10, 2024)