
- Update: June 2024

- Supervised students and current group members are underlined

- Corresponding author in asterisk (*)

- [num] for peer-reviewed articles only

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(In preperation/Submitted/Revision)

- H. Kim, S. Min, D. Kim, D. Visioni: Volcanically forced Madden–Julian oscillation triggers the immediate onset of El Niño (in revision).

- Y. An and H. Kim*: Understanding the predictability of the U.S. Seasonal Surface Temperature with Convolutional Neural Networks trained on CESM2 LENS. (in revision)

- J. Wang, M. J. DeFlorio, H. Kim, K. Guirguis, A. Gershunov: CMIP6 projections of future MJO changes under steepened moisture over the Indo-Pacific warm pool (in revision).

- C. Zheng, D. I.V. Domeisen, C. I. Garfinkel, A. M. Jenney, H. Kim, J. Wang, Z. Wu, C. Stan: The impact of vertical model levels on the prediction of MJO teleconnections. Part I: The tropospheric pathways in the UFS global coupled model (in revision).

- C. I. Garfinkel, Z. Wu, P. Yadav, Z. Lawrence, D. Domeisen, C. Zheng, J. Wang, A. Jenney, H. Kim, C. Schwartz, C. Stan: The impact of vertical model levels on the prediction of MJO teleconnections. Part II: The stratospheric pathway in the UFS global coupled model. (submitted)

- C. Zheng, H. Kim, E. LaJoie, S. He, and E. K. M. Chang: Statistical prediction of wintertime subseasonal CONUS Precipitation based on ENSO and the MJO: Improvements by training with Large Ensemble Climate Simulations. (submitted)

- M. Kim, C. Yoo, H. Kim: A process evaluation of the Subseasonal North Atlantic Oscillation prediction in the ECMWF ensemble forecast system. (in prep)

- J. Wang, D. I. V. Domeisen, C. I. Garfinkel, A. M. Jenney, H. Kim, Z. Wu, C. Zheng, C. Stan: Prediction of MJO teleconnections in the UFS global fully coupled model. (in prep)


[72]  H. Kim, 2024: Decrease in MJO predictability following Indo-Pacific Warm Pool expansion, Geophys. Res. Lett., e2024GL108849 

[71] T. Suematsu, Z. Martin, E. A. Barnes, Y. G. Ham, D. Kim, H. Kim, T. Y. Koh, E. D. Maloney, C. A. DeMott, 2024: Incorrect computation of Madden-Julian oscillation prediction skill, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 

[70] Shin, N. Y., D. Kim, D. Kang. H. Kim, J. Kug, 2024: Deep learning reveals moisture as the primary predictability source of MJO, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7, 11, 


[69] H. Kim and J. J. Benedict, 2023: The idealized aqua-planet maritime continent barrier effect on the MJO predictability,  J. Climate, DOI:

[68] Z. Martin, C. Orbe, I. R. Simpson, P. Lin, Q. Tang, J. Caron, C. Chen, H. Kim, L. R. Leung, J. H. Richter, S. Xie, 2023: The lack of a QBO-MJO connection in climate models with a nudged stratosphere, JGR-Atmos, 

[67] H. Kim, S. W. Son, H. Kim, K. H. Seo, M. J. Kang, 2023: MJO influence on subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction in the Northern Hemisphere extratropics, J. Climate, 36(22), 7943-7956, DOI:

[66] K.E. Roberts, J.E.F. Stepanuk, H. Kim, L.H. Thorne, C. Chong-Montenegro, J.A. Nye, 2023: Developing a subseasonal ecological forecast to reduce fisheries bycatch in the Northeast U.S., Progress in Oceanography, Volume 213, 103021, ISSN 0079-6611 (link)

[65] J. Stepanuk, H. Kim., Nye, J.A., Roberts, J.J., Halpin, P.N., Palka, D.L., Pabst, D.A., McLellan, W.A., Barco, S.G., Thorne, L.H., 2023: Subseasonal forecasts provide a powerful tool for dynamic marine mammal management, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, (IF=13.7)


[64] M. I. Jung, S. W. Son, H. Kim, D. Chen, 2022: Tropical modulation of East Asia air pollution, Nature Communications, 13, 5580, 

[63] H. Li, J. Richter, C. Lee, H. Kim, 2022: Subseasonal Tropical Cyclone prediction and modulations of MJO and ENSO in CESM2, JGR-Atmos,

[62] J. Wang, H. Kim, M. DeFlorio, 2022: Future changes of PNA-like MJO teleconnections in CMIP6 models: underlying mechanisms and uncertainty, J. Climate, DOI:  

[61] Stan, C., Zheng, C., Chang, E. K., Domeisen, D. I., Garfinkel, C. I., Jenney, A. M., H. Kim,, Lim, Y., Lin, H., Robertson, A., Schwartz, C., Vitart, F., Wang, J., & Yadav, P., 2022 : Advances in the prediction of MJO-Teleconnections in the S2S forecast systems, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, DOI: 

[60] J. Richter,  A. A. Glanville, J. Ewards, B. Kauffman, N. Davis, A. Jaye, H. Kim, N. Pedatella, L. Sun, J. Berner,  W. Kim,  S. G. Yeager, G. Danabasoglu, J. Caron, K. Oleson, 2022: Subseasonal Earth system prediction framework with CESM2, Weather and Forecasting. 


[59] H. Kim, Y. G. Ham, Y. S. Joo, S. W. Son, 2021: Deep Learning for bias correction of MJO prediction, Nature Communications, 12, 3087, (link)

[58] Y. Zhou, H. Kim, D. E. Waliser, 2021: Atmospheric River lifecycle responses to the Madden Julian Oscillation, Geophys. Res. Lett. 48, e2020GL090983. 

[57] Z. Martin, S. W. Son, A. Butler, H. Hendon, H. Kim, A. Sobel, S. Yoden, C. Zhang, 2021:  The influence of the Quasi-Biennial oscillation on the Madden-Julian oscillation, Nature Reviews - Earth & Environment,

[56] G. Meehl et al., H. Kim, 2021: Initialized Earth system prediction from subseasonal to decadal timescales, Nature Reviews - Earth & Environment,

[55] C. Park, S. W. Son, H. Kim, 2021: Distinct features of atmospheric rivers in the early versus late East Asian summer monsoon and their impacts on monsoon rainfall,  JGR-Atmos,  126,  (link)

[54] J. Richter, K. Pegion, L. Sun, H. Kim, J. Caron, A. Glanville, S. Yeager, W. Kim, A. Tawfik, 2021: Subseasonal prediction with and without a well-represented stratosphere in CESM1. Wea. Forecasting, doi: (link)

[53] Zheng, C., E. K. M. Chang, H. Kim, M. Zhang, W. Wang, 2021: Subseasonal Prediction of Wintertime Northern Hemisphere Extratropical Cyclone Activity by SubX Models, Wea. Forecasting, 36(1), 75-89 (link)


[52] H. Kim, J. M. Caron, J. H. Richter, and I. R. Simpson, 2020: The lack of QBO-MJO connection in CMIP6 models, Geophys. Res. Lett. (link)

[51] H. Kim, F. Vitart, D. E. Waliser, 2020: MJO Prediction: Current status and future challenges, Book chapter in "The Multi-Scale Global Monsoon System", 4th volume, World Scientific, (link)

[50] Wang, J., H. Kim*, D. Kim, S. A. Henderson, C. Stan, E. D. Maloney, 2020: MJO teleconnections over the PNA region in climate models. Part II: Impacts of the MJO and basic state, J. Climate, 33, 5081–5101, (link)

[49] Wang, J., H. Kim*, D. Kim, S. A. Henderson, C. Stan, E. D. Maloney, 2020: MJO teleconnections over the PNA region in climate models. Part I: Performance- and process-based skill metrics, J. Climate, 33, 1051–1067 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0253.1 (link)

[48] Jiang X, A. Adames, D. Kim, E. Maloney, H. Lin, H. Kim, C. Zhang, C. DeMott, N. Klingaman, 2020: Fifty Year's of Research on the Madden-Julian Oscillation: Recent Progress, Challenges, and Perspectives (An invited contribution for the AGU's Centennial Collection on "Grand Challenges in the Earth and Space Sciences"), JGR-Atmos, (link)

[47] Ahn et al., H. Kim, 2020: MJO propagation across the Maritime Continent: are CMIP6 models better than CMIP5 models?, Geophys. Res. Lett., DOI: 10.1029/2020GL087250 (link)

[46] Jacox et al., H. Kim, 2020: Seasonal-to-interannual prediction of U.S. coastal marine ecosystems: Forecast methods, mechanisms of predictability, and priority developments, Progress in Oceanography (link)


[45] H. Kim, J. H. Richter, and Z. Martin, 2019: Insignificant QBO-MJO prediction skill relationship in the SubX and S2S subseasonal reforecasts, JGR-Atmos, 124, 12655– 12666. (link) (Editor's Highlight, EOS)

[44] H. Kim, M. A. Janiga, K. Pegion, 2019: MJO propagation processes and mean biases in the SubX and S2S reforecasts. JGR-Atmos, 124, 9314-9331 (link)

[43] H. Kim, Y. Zhou and M. A. Alexander, 2019: Changes in atmospheric rivers and moisture transport over the Northeast Pacific and western North America in response to ENSO diversity, Climate Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-017-3598-9 (link)

[42] Zhou, Y. and H. Kim*, 2019: Impact of distinct origin locations on the life cycles of west coast landfalling Atmospheric River events. JGR-Atmos, 124, 11897– 11909. (link)

[41] Pegion et al, 2019: The Subseasonal Experiment (SubX): A multi-model subseasonal prediction experiment, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. (link)

[40] Zheng, C., E. K. M. Chang, H. Kim, M. Zhang, W. Wang, 2019: Subseasonal to seasonal prediction of wintertime Northern Hemisphere extratropical cyclone activity by S2S and NMME models, JGR-Atmos, 124, 12057– 12077. (link)

[39] Seo, E.  et al., H. Kim, 2019: Impact of soil moisture initialization on boreal summer subseasonal forecasts: mid-latitude surface air temperature and heat wave events, Climate Dynamics,  (link)


[38] Kim, H., F. Vitart, and D. E. Waliser, 2018: Prediction of the Madden–Julian Oscillation: A Review. J. Climate, 31, 9425–9443 (link) (*Most read article (Top 6) in 2019)

[37] Zhou Y.,  H. Kim*, B. Guan, 2018: Life Cycle of Atmospheric Rivers: Identification and Climatological Characteristics, JGR-Atmos,  (link)

[36] Zhou, Y. and H. M. Kim*, 2018: Prediction of atmospheric rivers over the North Pacific and its connection to ENSO in the North American Multi-Model Ensembles (NMME), Climate Dynamics, 51, 1623–1637  (link)

[35] Wang, J., H. M. Kim*, E. K. M. Chang, S. W. Son, 2018: Modulation of the MJO and North Pacific Storm Track relationship by the QBO, JGR-Atmospheres, 123, 3976–3992  (link)

[34] Wang, J., H. M. Kim*, E. K. M. Chang, 2018: Interannual Modulation of Northern Hemisphere Winter Storm Tracks by the QBO, Geophys Res. Lett., 45, 2786–2794. (link)

[33] Bin Wang, J. Li, M. A. Cane, J. Liu, P. J. Webster, B. Xiang, H. M. Kim, et al, 2018: Towards predicting changes in the land monsoon rainfall a decade in advance, J. Climate, 31, 2699–2714, (link)

[32] Zheng, C., E. K. M. Chang,  H. M. Kim, M. Zhang, W. Wang, 2018: Impacts of the Madden-Julian oscillation on storm track activity, surface air temperature, and precipitation over North America, J. Climate, (link)


[31] Kim, H. M., 2017: The impact of the mean moisture bias on the key physics of MJO propagation in the ECMWF reforecast, JGR-Atmospheres, 122, 7772–7784 (link)

[30] Kim, H. M. and B. M. Kim, 2017: Relative contributions of atmospheric energy transport and sea-ice loss to the recent warm Arctic winter, J. Climate, 30, 7441–7450 (link)

[29]  Wang, J., H. M. Kim* and E. K. M. Chang: 2017: Changes in Northern Hemisphere winter storm tracks under the background of Arctic amplification, J. Climate, 30, 3705-3724, 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0650.1  (link)

[28] Kim, O., H. M. Kim, M. I. Lee, 2017: Dynamical-statistical seasonal prediction for western North Pacific typhoons based on APCC multi-models, Climate Dynamics, 48, 71-88. (link)


- Kim, H. M. and Y. Zhou, 2016: Prediction of Atmospheric Rivers associated with modes of S2S variability, U.S. CLIVAR Variations., Vol.14 (Fall 2016), pages 24-30. (link)

[27] Kim, H. M., D. Kim, F. Vitart, V. Toma, J. Kug, P. J. Webster, 2016: MJO propagation across the Maritime Continent in the ECMWF ensemble prediction system, J. Climate, 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0862.1 (link)

[26] Liu, P, Q. Zhang, C. Zhang, Y Zhu, M. Khairoutdinov, H. M. Kim, C. Schumacher, M Zhang, 2016: A Revised Real-Time Multivariate MJO Index, Monthly Weather Review, 114, 627-642. (link)

[25] Choi, J., S. W. Son, Y. G. Ham, J. Y. Lee, and H. M. Kim, 2016: Seasonal to interannual prediction skills of near-surface air temperature in the CMIP5 decadal hindcast experiments, J. Climate, 29, 1511–1527. (link)


[24] Kim, H. M. and M. Alexander, 2015: ENSO’s modulation of water vapor transport over the Pacific North America region, J. Climate, 28, 3846-3856  (link)

[23] Kim, H. M. E. K. M. Chang, M. Zhang, 2015: Statistical-dynamical seasonal forecast for tropical cyclones affecting New York State, Weather and Forecasting, 30, 295-307 (link)

[22] Xu, H., H. M. Kim, J. Nye, and S. Hameed, 2015: Impacts of North Atlantic Oscillation on Sea Surface Temperature in the Northeast US Continental Shelf, Continental Shelf Research, 106, 60-66.   (link)

[21] Yoo, C., S. Park, D. Kim, J. H. Yoon, and H. M. Kim, 2015: Boreal winter MJO teleconnection in the Community Atmosphere Model version 5 with the Unified Convection parameterization, J. Climate, 28, 8135-8150 (link)

[20]  Thorne, L. H., E. L. Hazen, S.J. Bograd, D.G. Foley, M.G. Conners, M.A. Kappes, H. M. Kim, Y. Tremblay, D.P. Costa, and S.A. Shaffer, 2015: Foraging behavior links climate variability and reproduction in North Pacific albatrosses, Movement Ecology, 3:27, DOI: 10.1186/s40462-015-0050-9 (link)


[19] Kim, H. M., Y. G. Ham, A. A. Scaife, 2014: Improvement of initialized decadal predictions over the North Pacific Ocean by systematic anomaly pattern correction, J. Climate, 27 (13), 5148-5162. (link)

[18]  Kim, H. M., P. J. Webster, V. E. Toma, and D. Kim, 2014: Predictability and prediction skill of the MJO in two operational forecasting systems, J. Climate, 27 (14), 5364-5378. (link)

- Kim. H. M., J. Belanger, E. Blake, S. Chand, P. Goswami, M. Lee, K. Oouchi, J. Schemm, M. Ventrice, B. Wang, L. Wu, 2014: Intraseasonal timescales, Ch.5.3, WMO 8th International workshop on tropical cyclone (link)

[17] Kang, D., M. I Lee, J. Im, D. Kim, H. M. Kim, H. S. Kang, S. D. Schubert, A. Arribas, and C. MacLachlan, 2014: Prediction of the Arctic Oscillation in Boreal Winter by Dynamical Seasonal Forecasting Systems. Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 3577-3585 (link)

[16] Kim, D. M., M. I. Lee, H. M. Kim, S. D. Shubert and J. Yoo, 2014: The Modulation of Tropical Storm Activity in the Western North Pacific by the  MJO in GEOS-5 AGCM Experiments, Atm. Sci. Lett, 15 (4), 335-341 (link)


[15] Kim, H. M., M. I. Lee, P. J. Webster, D. Kim and J. Yoo, 2013: A physical basis for the probabilistic prediction of the accumulated tropical cyclone kinetic energy in the Western North Pacific, J. Climate, 26 (20), 7981-7991. (link)

[14] Kim, H. M., P. J. Webster and J. A. Curry, 2013: Evaluation of short-term climate change prediction in multi-model CMIP5 decadal hindcasts, U.S. CLIVAR Variations., Vol.11 (Spring), pages 7-8. (link)

[13] Kim, H. M., P. J. Webster and J. A. Curry, 2012: Evaluation of short-term climate change prediction in multi-model CMIP5 decadal hindcasts, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L10701 (Top cited articles in 2012) (link) 

[12] Kim, H. M., P. J. Webster, J. A. Curry and V. Toma 2012: Asian summer monsoon prediction in ECMWF System 4 and NCEP CFSv2 retrospective seasonal forecasts, Climate Dynamics, 39 (12), 2975-2991. (link)

[11] Kim, H. M., P. J. Webster and J. A. Curry, 2012: Seasonal prediction skill of ECMWF System 4 and NCEP CFSv2 retrospective forecast for the Northern Hemisphere Winter, Climate Dynamics, 39 (12), 2957-2973.(link)

[10] Kim, H. M., P. J. Webster and Judith A. Curry, 2011: Modulation of North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Activity by Three Phases of ENSO, J. Climate, 24, 1839-1849. (link)

[09] Webster, P. J., V. E., Toma and H. M. Kim, 2011: Were the 2010 Pakistan floods predictable?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L04806, doi:10.1029/2010GL046346. (Editor’s Highlight) (link)

[08] Kang, I. S. and H. M. Kim, 2011: Intraseasonal prediction and predictability for boreal winter. In: Chang, C.-P. et al. (eds), The Global Monsoon System: Research and Forecast (2nd edition). Vol. 5, pages 409-418. DOI: 10.1142/9789814343411_0024 (link)


[07] Kim, H. M. and P. J. Webster, 2010: Extended-range seasonal hurricane forecasts for the North Atlantic with a hybrid dynamical-statistical model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L21705, doi:10.1029/2010GL044792. (link)

[06] Kim, H. M., P. J. Webster, C. D. Hoyos, and I. S. Kang, 2010: Ocean-atmosphere coupling and the boreal winter MJO. Climate Dynamics, 35, 5, 771-784. (link)

[05] Kang, I. S. and H. M. Kim, 2010: Assessment of MJO predictability for boreal winter with various statistical and dynamical models. J. Climate, 23, 2368-2378. (link)

[04] Kim, H. M., P. J. Webster, and J. A. Curry, 2009: Impact of shifting patterns of Pacific Ocean warming events on North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone. Science, 325, 77-80. (link)

[03] Kim, H. M., P. J. Webster, C. D. Hoyos, and I. S. Kang, 2008: Sensitivity of MJO simulation and predictability to sea surface temperature variability. J. Climate, 21, 5304-5317.(link)

[02] Kim, H. M. and I. S. Kang, 2008: The impact of ocean-atmosphere coupling on the predictability of boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation. Climate Dynamics, 31, 859-870. (link)

[01] Kim. H. M., I. S. Kang, B. Wang, and J. Y. Lee, 2008: Interannual variations of the boreal summer intraseasonal variability predicted by ten atmosphere-ocean coupled models. Climate Dynamics, 30, 485-496. (link)