Production Notes

After years of procrastination, writer/director Matthew Foster used the entry deadline of a well-known Australian short film festival as motivation to write something quickly. Unfortunately, the first draft came in at about 15 pages, far too long to accommodate the seven-minute limit imposed by the aforementioned festival. But the motivation trick had worked and that's all that mattered. With time constraints set aside, Matthew wrote a second draft, fleshing out the story and characters, and more than doubling the page count. A few more drafts later and Click Off, as it was known then, was born.

Principal photography was completed over the course of five shoot days - two weekends to cover the office interiors and one overnight shoot for the exterior and interior of Beth's house. Serving as the Landscape Interactive office was a former travel agent's office in Sydney, now the offices of an IT company.

Beth's house was provided by the production's own Jon Dor, who created all the on-screen computer wizardry, including the password hacking software and the auto clicker software, amongst other things. The townhouse in which he and his wife live, located in the quiet Sydney suburb of Marsfield, doubled as the inside and outside of Beth's place. The neighbours were not too pleased to hear actress Amanda Buckley screaming at one o'clock in the morning, but a few irritable neighbours is a small price to pay for art.

After a few minor and one major hiccup during post production, the final cut was eventually completed in December 2011, now and forever known as Clicked.