Accepted papers

Computational Linguistics for Literature

Accepted papers


Laurent Besacier and Lane Schwartz

Automated Translation of a Literary Work: A Pilot Study

Marie Dubremetz and Joakim Nivre

Rhetorical Figure Detection: the Case of Chiasmus

Prashant Jayannavar, Apoorv Agarwal, Melody Ju and Owen Rambow

Validating Literary Theories Using Automatic Social Network Extraction from Text

Nina McCurdy, Vivek Srikumar and Miriah Meyer

A Formalism for Analyzing Sonic Devices in Poetry

Olga Scrivner and Sandra Kübler

Tools for Digital Humanities: Enabling Access to the Old Occitan Romance of Flamenca

Antonio Toral and Andy Way

Translating Literary Text between Related Languages using SMT


Julian Brooke, Adam Hammond and Graeme Hirst

GutenTag: an NLP-driven Tool for Digital Humanities Research in the Project Gutenberg Corpus

Fabienne Cap, Ina Roesiger and Jonas Kuhn

A Pilot Experiment on Exploiting Translations for Literature Studies on Kafka's "Verwandlung"

Andreas van Cranenburgh and Corina Koolen

Identifying Literary Texts with Bigrams

Rodolfo Delmonte

Visualizing Poetry with SPARSAR – Visual Maps from Poetic Content

Stefan Evert, Thomas Proisl, Thorsten Vitt, Christof Schöch, Fotis Jannidis and Steffen Pielström

Burrows Delta in literary authorship attribution - why does it work so well?

Dimitrios Kokkinakis, Ann Ighe and Mats Malm

Gender-Based Vocation Identification in Swedish 19th Century Prose Fiction using Linguistic Patterns, NER and CRF Learning

Markus Krug, Frank Puppe, Fotis Jannidis, Luisa Macharowsky, Isabella Reger and Lukas Weimar

Rule-based Coreference Resolution in German Historic Novels

Borja Navarro

A computational linguistic approach to Spanish Golden Age Sonnets: metrical and semantic aspects.