Accepted papers

Invited Talk

"Computing and the literary landscape" by Inderjeet Mani

I begin by distinguishing literary from non-literary narrative, and then go onto to describe a framework for narrative computing involving environments for authoring and interacting with literary artifacts as well as searching, analyzing, and translating them. These artifacts concern events whose characters act and react based on their beliefs. I focus here on computational issues related to four facets of narrative structure: story embedding, accessibility relations, time, and plot. I conclude with some recommendations for research strategies.

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"Unsupervised Stylistic Segmentation of Poetry with Change Curves and Extrinsic Features" by Julian Brooke, Adam Hammond and Graeme Hirst

"A Computational Analysis of Style, Sentiment, and Imagery in Contemporary Poetry" by Justine Kao and Dan Jurafsky

"Computational Analysis of Referring Expressions in Narratives of Picture Books" by Choonkyu Lee, Smaranda Muresan and Karin Stromswold

"Towards a Literary Machine Translation: The Role of Referential Cohesion" by Rob Voigt and Dan Jurafsky

"Function Words for Chinese Authorship Attribution" by Bei Yu

"Aligning Bilingual Literary Works: a Pilot Study" by Qian Yu, Aurélien Max and François Yvon


"Social Network Analysis of Alice in Wonderland" by Apoorv Agarwal, Augusto Corvalan, Jacob Jensen and Owen Rambow

"A Dictionary of Wisdom and Wit: Learning to Extract Quotable Phrases" by Michael Bendersky and David Smith

"Authorship attribution with phrase-structure fragments" by Andreas van Cranenburgh

"Digitizing 18th-Century French Literature: Comparing transcription methods for a critical edition text" by Ann Irvine, Laure Marcellesi and Afra Zomorodian

"Trend Analyses in Harper's Bazaar" by Sophie Kushkuley

"Towards a computational approach to literary text analysis" by Antonio Roque

"Mining wisdom" by Anders Søgaard

"A Pilot PropBank Annotation for Quranic Arabic" by Wajdi Zaghouani, Abdelati Hawwari and Mona Diab