Cleveland Park Recommendations Page

Cleveland Park Recommendations Page

How to Write a Recommendation for the Cleveland Park Listserv

The Cleveland Park Listserv posts recommendations nearly every day. List members write in to recommend contractors, plumbers, electricians, doctors, therapists, fitness instructors, yoga teachers, tutors, landscapers, tree trimmers, housekeepers, nannies, and much, much more. Yet, every so often we (the moderators) decline to publish a recommendation submitted by a list member. Sometimes when this happens, we get a note from the list member asking why the submitted recommendation did not appear.  So that we don't have to send out individual notes explaining each time about our list's policies on recommendations, we have put our criteria for publishing recommendations on this page.

All recommendations on the Cleveland Park Listserv need to meet ALL of the following requirements.

A few additional points to keep in mind:

We do allow two (and only two) categories of service people to self-recommend or seek work on the listserv: Housecleaners and in-home caregivers (whether babysitters or elder care givers) are allowed to post a couple of times per year about their availability for hire. Please note that the message must be restricted to those services, and can't include an ad for higher priced and higher skilled services such as tutoring, coaching, pet care, or therapeutic care. Our advertising policy page has all the fine print about what's considered a business advertisement and what isn't.

Some of these considerations are rather subjective, and different moderators may reach different conclusions about similar recommendations.  Please DON''T write to the moderators to point out inconsistencies about which recommendations are published and which are not! Moderating a listserv is an art, not a science. Sorry, but we can't take the time to have a conversation about how our rules ought to be changed or applied as you might see them -- there are only 24 hours in a day! 

You can learn more about how the Cleveland Park Listserv works by reading the complete list rules.

Enjoy the list!


Cleveland Park Listserv Publishers: Peggy Robin and Bill Adler

PS.  As you can see, the Cleveland Park Listserv is a very busy place in cyberspace, and takes a lot of time on the part of the moderators. You are welcome to show your support by joining our Premium Membership program ($50) at or by making a donation to our Friend of the Listserv program ($25) at The moderators appreciate the good karma that comes from knowing that Listserv members appreciate all the hard work that goes into running the Cleveland Park Listserv.

Useful Links: 

Cleveland Park Listserv Homepage

Cleveland Park List Rules

Cleveland Park Frequently Asked Questions Page

Cleveland Park Commercial Advertising Policy

CP Paids Ads Page

Cleveland Park Ad Check Page (posting rules for housing ads, for-sale notices, etc.) 

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