Your Loving Heart Connections® Session

What You Can Expect In Your Loving Heart Connections™ Session

Loving Heart Connections® sessions are currently being done over the conferencing platform, Zoom. Your session will be recorded and sent to your through your email account. Since you will be on your computer or tablet camera (smart phone is NOT recommended) through Zoom it's imperative that you set this up before you join at your appointment time. I will need to see your eyes moving and/or you taping on your lap. There will need to be adequate light in the room clearly showing your features. Some people sit at a desk while others lay down in their beds. Wherever you are most comfortable will be where you will want to be. It is also important that you be as relaxed as possible so having your computer set up in a way that highlights you long before your session will set your mind at ease so you can begin your session relaxed and excited to begin. You will also want to minimize distractions during this time (up to 120 minutes). Please make the decision of where you would like to be for this experience in a place where your internet connection is strong. It has been very frustrating for participants to have their internet connection hamper their spiritual connections. 



© 2021 May not be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without expressed written permission from the copyright owner: Clearing Your Soul, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Clearing Your Soul, LLC (“Clearing Your Soul”), Jane V. Bissler (Jane, Dr. Bissler) and Linda Hahn (Linda) do not hold themselves out as a medical, osteopathic, psychiatric, practical theology, other doctor, or healthcare provider whatsoever. Clearing Your Soul™'s Loving Heart Connections™ is a unique modality of opening up a connection between the client and their deceased loved ones,  spiritual guidance and/or angels. All information found on this website, provided in any session or communication with Dr. Jane Bissler using the Loving Heart Connection is based on spiritual awareness, learning, knowledge and master's and Ph.d. level education and training. All information provided is not offered as medical or psychological advice or treatment and should not be considered medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for your responsible action in regard to physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual issues or symptoms and you should not stop taking medication without consulting your physician. Spiritual healing modalities, such as Loving Heart Connections, can be used as an adjunct to a balanced, overall approach to health care and grief relief. Always seek the advice of a health care professional regarding any mental, physical, or emotional conditions, issues, or symptoms.