8 Teaching

Macroeconomics (in Romanian)

(Bachelor level, I, IM,AP-MPT-UPT, since 2010)

Finance, Banking, Insurances (in Romanian)

(Bachelor level, II, IM-MPT-UPT, since 2015)

Public finance (in Romanian)

(Bachelor level, I, AP-MPT-UPT, since 2014)

Microeconomics (in Romanian)

(Bachelor level, II, CTI-AC-UPT, since 2011)

European Integration (in Romanian)

(Bachelor level, I, AP-MPT-UPT, 2011)

Business economics and entrepreneurship

(Master level, SUSCOS - European Erasmus Mundus Master Course - 520121-1-2011-1-CZ-ERA MUNDUS-EMMC - Sustainable Constructions under natural hazards and catastrophic events, UPT, 2014, 2017)

Basics of Entrepreneurship (in Romanian)

(Bachelor level, UPT, since 2020)

Monetary Economics (in Romanian)

(Master level, II, FEAA, UVT, 2012)