Media Coverage of Research and Blog Posts


Financial Times - How company finance chiefs can prepare for the worst? 

Imperial College News - Could the UK be set for negative interest rates? Views from Imperial's experts 

Small and Medium Size Firms

SMEs, Government Support and Information Frictions

(In Portuguese) Expresso: here

Government Support programs for SMEs - Real Effects

(In portuguese) Eco - PME reduziram dependência da banca na última década: here 

(In Portuguese) Expresso - Bancos ainda são a principal fonte de financiamento das PME, mas têm vindo a perder relevância: here 

(In Portuguese) Jornal de negocios - Apoios a pme tem efeito inexpressivo fora de crises: here 

Climate, Violent Political Conflicts and Other Challenges of Our Times 

Opioids Crisis in the United States

IBKnowledge - Why regulating opioid prescriptions can protect the US economy: here 

Climate Change

The European - Rising temperatures have companies hot under the collar: here 

Business - Rising temperatures harm business sales: here 

IBKnowledge - What climate change really means for businesses: here

Firm Responses to Violent Conflicts

The Finreg Blog (Global Financial Markets Center - Duke University School of Law) article: here

IBKnowledge: What violence means for business: here 

COVID19 Pandemic

IBKnowledge - Coronavirus in Africa: What’s different? here

Managerial Human Capital and CEOs

Financial Expertise of CEOs

VoxDev - How financial education of managers can help improve firm practices: Evidence from Mozambique: here

efinancial careers article - How can financial education make you a better leader? here

IBKnowledge - How financial education makes you a better manager: here 

General Skills of CEOs

Financial Times - The hidden benefits of hiring Jacks and Jills of all trades: here

IBKnowledge - Are CEOs with general skills more innovative? here  

Knowledge@HEC -  Generalists vs. Specialists Impact on Firm Performance: The Case of CEOs and Acquisitions:  here 

Ideas for Leaders - Generalist CEOs Not Specialists Spur Innovation. here

Harvard Business Review. here

CEOs and Birth Order

NPR - Hidden Brain - How Birth Order Relates To Job Success: here

Forbes - Why You Won't Make CEO If Big Brother Is Watching: here - Why Small Business CEOs Are More Likely to be an Oldest Son (With a Major Exception) here

IBKnowledge - Born to win? Do first borns have the most success? here