
Contact information:

Claudia Cicone, Associate Professor

Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics

University of Oslo

Postboks 1029, Blindern, 0315 Oslo

Email: claudia.cicone[at]

Twitter/X: @claudiacicone

Information for prospective Master, PhD students and postdocs at the University of Oslo:

There will be an open call for 3-year postdoctoral fellowship positions at UiO with application deadline in 2025. These are Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) -type postdoc positions co-funded by a EU Horizon Europe grant related to the integration of computational techniques and data science with natural sciences. Application requirements and deadlines will be available on the DSTrain webpage. Prospective applicants are required to have obtained a PhD and are strongly recommended to contact the host institute beforehand to explore scientific synergies and collaborations that can strengthen their proposal.  

I would be happy to host Horizon Europe's Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships, especially if the proposed project has overlap with the following topics: sub-mm observations (both galactic and extragalactic), sub-mm instrumentation development (e.g. in relation to AtLAST), multi-object near-infrared and optical spectroscopic extragalactic surveys (e.g. in relation to MOONS@VLT), multi-wavelength observations of galactic outflows and study of feedback processes in galaxies, binary and dual super massive black holes. Every year the UiO MN Faculty organises a Master Class for prospective MSCA applicants around May-June, and the MSCA application deadline is usually around September-October. Info at this link.

Visit the Norges Forskningråd (Norwegian Research Council) website for research grant and fellowship opportunities. Check information here.