Announcing the 2nd Beta Release of The CLARION Library (

Post date: Mar 10, 2012 6:37:33 PM

It is my pleasure to announce the 2nd beta release of the CLARION Library; the exciting new implementation of the CLARION cognitive architecture (a theory by Ron Sun). I hope you enjoy all of the new features, capabilities, and enhancements that have been added in this release, including:

    • A NEW stand-alone implementation of the NACS reasoning mechanism
      • Including new components –
        • HopfieldNetwork
        • RefineableAssociativeRule
    • Updated tutorials
    • Additional API documentation
    • Additional samples
      • Including a NEW NACS reasoning task
    • Feature and extension additions/enhancements
      • SerializationPlugin (not fully tested)
      • ImplicitComponentInitializer (pre-training and encoding only)
      • GenericEquation
      • TableLookup
    • Framework additions/changes aimed at further simplifying your experience!
    • Several bug fixes...
    • And MUCH more!

I encourage you to take a moment to peruse all of the documents that we have provided as part of this package; especially the “Getting Started” guide as well as the other tutorials in the “Tutorials” folder. Also, make sure that you read through and agree to all of the licensing terms and conditions before you start using the library.

Note that this is still a BETA release. With this in mind, you should be aware that some aspects of the library are incomplete at this point (especially the in-line documentation) or are still in development.

Thank you again for trying out the CLARION Library!


Nicholas Wilson, Lead Developer